UT Knoxville PBRL 270 - Theory
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PBRL 270 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Communication Theory a The goals of communication b PR communication c Purpose of communication campaigns II Essential Components of Message Strategy a Communication is a receiver phenomenon III 7 C s of communication Outline of Current Lecture I Situational Theory a How do you get audience to pay attention b Why should they believe trust c How will audience remember II Media Importance by Stage a Influencing factors b Hallahan s Integrated PR media model c Agenda Setting III What is a theory and why bother Current Lecture I Situational Theory Non publics publics who aren t affected and don t interact Latent publics not aware that they re affected Aware public aware of organization but they don t take action Active publics take action a How do you get audience to pay attention Situational theory of publics active passive etc Passive audience requires entertainment engagement and repetition Sound visual aides Inverted pyramid style most important stuff first Start from points of agreement shared values b Why should they believe trust Source credibility trustworthiness expertise and sincerity attractiveness These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Actions speak louder than words What is said vs who says it c How will audience remember Use multiple channels multiple times Repetition repetition repetition the entire message key points within a message II Media Importance by Stage Awareness mass channels Interest media agencies friends Evaluation friends and colleagues Trial dealers salespeople agencies friends Adoption personal experience a Influencing factors Relative advantage Compatibility Complexity Trialability can you use it Observability b Hallahan s Integrated PR media model Public Media Interactive Media Controlled Media Events Groups One on one c Agenda Setting How the media shapes information III What is a theory and why bother A theory is a set of assumptions used to explain how a process works and to predict what will result from that process It helps us understand barriers to communication

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UT Knoxville PBRL 270 - Theory

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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