BS 161 1st Edition Lecture 29 Outline of Last Lecture I DNA synthesis Outline of Current Lecture II Transcription III Translation Current Lecture proteins are the link between genotype and phenotype genotype information content of DNA is in the form of specific sequences of nucleotides phenotype the DNA inherited by an organism leads to specific traits by dictating the synthesis of proteins gene expression the process by which DNA directs protein synthesis includes transcription and translation fundamental relationship between genes and proteins discovered by Beadel and Tatum auxotrophs arginine deficient mutants each lacking a different enzyme necessary for synthesizing arginine Beadel and Tatum made one gene one enzyme hypothesis which was wrong one gene one polypeptide hypothesis is correct gene a region of DNA that can be expressed to produce a functional product genes code for RNA and protein only example mRNA and enzymes not glycogen a polysaccharide viruses exceptions to the central dogma acellular noncellular particles that reproduce inside cells many have RNA instead of DNA example polio and RNA dependent DNA polymerase messenger hypothesis mRNA forms a complementary copy of DNA and carries information to the cytoplasm transcription the process of synthesizing mRNA translation the process of synthesizing a protein primary transcript the initial RNA transcript from any gene
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