TAMU BIOL 320 - Nutrition and Metabolism
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BIOL 320 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Salivary Glands II Teeth III Pharynx Esophagus IV Digestive Processes Mouth Esophagus V Stomach VI Stomach Mucosa VII Gastric Secretion Regulation VIII Regulation of HCl Secretion IX Gastric Motility X Gastric Emptying XI Small Intestine XII Liver Lobules XIII Accessories to Small Intestine XIV Bile XV Role of the Pancreas XVI Pancreatic Regulation XVII Digestion Small Intestine XVIII Motility Small Intestine XIX Large Intestine XX Large Intestine Microscopic Anatomy XXI Motility Defecation XXII Cancer XXIII Malabsorption of Nutrients XXIV Ulcers XXV Developmental Considerations Outline of Current Lecture I Nutrition Metabolism a Major Nutrients II Digestion of Nutrients III Lipid Metabolism a Lipid Catabolism Current Lecture Nutrition Metabolism Major Nutrients o Carbohydrates Complex whole grains veggies Simple monosaccharaides disaccharides fruits honey milk Refined candy EMPTY calories Glucose molecule used by cells to make ATP o Lipids Most abundant triglycerides found in both animal plant foods Essential fatty acids linoleic linolenic in most veggies Dietary fat functions help absorb vitamins energy for cells myelin sheaths cell membranes protective cushioning insulation fuel Prostaglandins from linoleic acid via arachidonic acid helps smooth muscle contraction blood pressure regulation inflammation Dietary requirements higher for infants kids 30 total caloric in with saturated fat max 10 cholesterol less than 200mg Cholesterol stabilizes membrane precursor of bile salts steroid hormones o Proteins Complete eggs milk meats meat amino acid requirements for tissue maintain growth Incomplete legumes nuts seeds grains vegetables Use of amino acid depends on All or none rule must be present at same time Adequacy of caloric intake Nitrogen balance Hormonal control anabolics o Vitamins organic compounds needed in small amounts not for energy or building blocks Function most act as coenzymes Synthesized in body D skin K intestinal bacteria A Essential vitamins the rest Water soluble vitamins B C absorbed in GI tract Fat soluble A D E K bind to ingested lipids absorbed with their digestion products Vitamins A C E also act in antioxidant cascade o Minerals inorganic chemical compounds found in nature salts Function minerals work with nutrients to ensure proper body functioning Moderate amounts required Ca P K S Na Cl Mg Trace amounts required many Ca P and Mg salts harden bone Na Cl help maintain normal osmolarity water balance essential in nerve and muscle function Uptake excretion must be balanced Digestion of Nutrients Lipid Metabolism o Catabolism of fats involves two separate pathways o Glycerol pathway glyceraldehyde phosphate AcCoA o Fatty acids pathway beta oxidation cleaving two carbons and reduction of two coenzymes o o Lipid Catabolism o Glycerol Glyceraldehyde phosphate Glucose via liver 18 ATP o Fatty acids Acetyl CoA Beta Oxidation 12 ATP per pair of carbons 12 x 9 108 ATP Every pair released 5 more ATP 5 x 8 40 additional ATP Cost 1 ATP Total for 18 carbon fatty acid 147 ATP

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TAMU BIOL 320 - Nutrition and Metabolism

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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