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Humoral PTH Neural Hormonal BIOL 320 SI Session 8 31 Define the three different patterns of hormone releases Test this hormone will produce this action Chronic secretion constant o Need it to remain in homeostasis o Thyroid hormone TSH Acute secretion o Constant the concentration of this hormone stays relatively the same or o flight or fight fast release o Anytime in the body where the body needs that hormone right that instant o Epinephrine norepinephrine insulin Cyclic secretion or episodic o Fluctuate concentration based on interval o Estrogen menstrual cycle Define the three different mechanisms of hormonal release o Hormone gets released in response to change in blood concentrations insulin o Nervous system stimulates release of hormone fight or flight o Hormone gets released in response to another one o Hypothalamus has its own hormones and it will go to the pituitary which will produce its own hormones o TRH to TSH Define the three different ways hormones can interact with one another Synergistic hormones work together to produce a greater effect hormone A and hormone B produce a greater effect than if they worked individually mainly occurs when two hormones are working together to reach an effect that normally one hormone could not do alone Permissive first hormone allows action of second hormone hormone A causes full effect of hormone B Antagonistic one hormone causes opposite effect of another hormone A causes the opposite effect of hormone B insulin and glucagon Cyclic AMP cycle second messenger system Know which hormone uses this and what protein kinase can accomplish slide 22 receptor activates G protein 1 a hormone first messenger binds receptor 2 3 G protein activates adenylate cyclase 4 adenylate cyclase converts ATP to cAMP 2nd messenger 5 cAMP activates protein kinases What does protein kinase do o Starts cycle where cells will open their membrane and allow things to come in DAG and cAMP both activate protein kinase PIP Calcium cycle 1 Ligand binds to membrane 2 Activates G protein 3 G protein activates phospholipase C enzyme Hormones functioning through activation of phospholipase C include oxytocin ATH and epi 4 Phospholipase splits membrane phospholipid PIP2 into two 2nd messengers diacylglycerol DAG and IP3 5 DAG activates protein kinase and IP3 triggers release of calcium 6 This calcium alters enzymes or channels or binds to the regulatory protein calmodulin Study at least two weeks early TIPS Varsity tutor varsity tutors system this is a good tool to help memorize She will test your ability to understand what she is talking about so record her and understand her way of explaining it Ninja nerd special senses Ninja nerd on YouTube has great videos about varying lab lecture topics Drawings help to memorize blood vessels and branching Be able to lecture the material like she does from the power point Zoom sessions will be lab session

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TAMU BIOL 320 - SI Session

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