UA NSC 170C1 - Food Safety
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NSC 170C1 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Current Lecture I What is foodborne illness A Causes Risk B Reducing prevention II What are chemical agents A How are they used and by who III Organic Current Lecture I What causes foodborne illness and how can they make you sick A Foodborne Illness sickness caused by consuming contaminated food or beverages i Causes 325 000 hospitalizations and 5 200 deaths per year ii Often results in distressing gastrointestinal symptoms iii Efforts to prevent foodborne illness have led to extensive food safety practices and guidelines iv Illness often not identified as foodborne II Foodborne illness causes A Pathogens disease causing microbes including viruses bacteria and parasites i Found on the skin or in the stool or droppings of infected humans and or animals B Fecal to oral transmission infection caused by putting anything in your mouth contaminated food or unwashed hands that has been in contact with fecal matter C Raw or undercooked meat poultry or fish from an infected animal can also expose you to pathogens D Viruses and bacteria are the most common causes of foodborne illness in the United States i Viruses microscopic organisms that must have a living host such as a plant or animal to survive Example Hepatitis A ii Bacteria microscopic organisms that can exist and flourish on living and nonliving surfaces iii Parasites microscopic organisms animals that take their nourishment from hosts a Found in food and water and often transmitted through fecal to oral route III IV People at higher risk A Older adults i Age related deterioration of the immune system ii Decreased gastric juices increase risk B Young children i Underdeveloped immune systems ii Smaller and weigh less so can become sick from exposure to a small amount of pathogen C Individuals with weakened immune systems i Those with HIV AIDS cancer diabetes and pregnancy ii People living in institutional settings iii Nursing homes hospitals colleges and schools where people eat foods from the same source Reducing the Risk of foodborne illness A Clean your hands and wash produce i Combat cross contamination ii Hand washing is one of the most important strategies for preventing foodborne illness a Wash with warm soapy water and rub hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds iii Thoroughly cleanse anything that touches food knives utensils and countertops between uses iv Cutting boards Place in dishwasher or scrub with hot soapy water and rinse Sanitize by soaking in a solution of 1 teaspoon bleach per 1 quart of warm water v Sponges and dishcloths Wash in hot cycle of washing machine with laundry soap and bleach vi Wash fruits and vegetables under cold running tap water before eating Scrub with vegetable brush if possible B Combat cross contamination i Cross contamination occurs when food that is going to be eaten raw such as produce comes into contact with raw meat fish or poultry ii Keep separate during food preparation and storage iii Clean cutting boards thoroughly or use one for meats poultry and fish and another for fresh produce and other ready to eat foods iv Wash plates that come in contact with raw meats before using them again v Marinades should not be used as a serving sauce unless boiled for several minutes a Do s and Don ts of Cross Contamination Cook Foods Thoroughly Color is not a reliable indicator that food is safe to eat A food thermometer is the only way to determine if food has reached an appropriate internal temperature to kill pathogens Food Thermometers C Cook foods thoroughly D Chill foods at low enough temperatures i Bacteria thrive in environments with the following characteristics Adequate nutrients protein and nutrient rich animal foods Moisture Low level of acidity foods with a higher pH The correct temperature between 40 F and 140 F a Foodborne bacteria multiply most rapidly in the danger zone temperatures between 40 F and 140 F b To keep foods safe keep hot foods 140 F and cold foods 40 F Time to reproduce and increase in numbers E Reduce risk of foodborne illness by practicing proper food handling and storage strategies i The 4 Cs of food safety cleaning combating crosscontamination cooking and chilling V Prevention techniques manufactures use to destroy foodborne illness A Pickling salting drying heating freezing and canning are methods of food preservation B Pasteurization heating foods and liquids to a high enough temperature to kill pathogens i Most dairy foods and juices in the United States are pasteurized C Canning packaging food in an airtight container after heating it to kill bacteria VI D Modified atmosphere packaging MAP manufacturer adjusts the air surrounding the food in a package usually reducing oxygen to prevent decay E High pressure processing HPP foods are exposed to pulses of high pressure to destroy microorganisms F Some Foods Undergo Irradiation i Irradiation foods are placed in a shielded chamber and subjected to a radiant energy source ii Kills specific pathogens by breaking up their cells DNA iii Can also stop the ripening process in some fruits and vegetables iv Irradiated foods are not radioactive and do not undergo harmful or dangerous chemical changes v The temperature of the food isn t raised which helps prevent nutrient losses vi Must bear the radura logo and the phrase treated by irradiation or treated with radiation on the package G Product Dating i Product dating can help you determine peak quality ii Two types a Closed coded dating refers to packing numbers used on nonperishable foods to track product inventory rotate stock or identify products for recall b Open dating calendar date found on perishable items such as meat poultry eggs and dairy foods 1 Will include Sell By or Use By to tell you how to interpret the date 2 Refers to food quality not food safety 3 If not stored properly may be unsafe even if used by the date H Food Additives i Food additives substances added to food to preserve freshness maintain consistency enhance nutrition content or prevent rancidity a Salt was the earliest food additive it preserved meat fish Chemical Agents that affect food safety A Toxins occur naturally i ii iii iv Toxins occur naturally to help a plant or animal fend off predators or capture foods a Cooking will not destroy toxins Marine toxins may occur in large fish a Originate in microscopic sea organisms that bioaccumulate in larger fish Neurotoxins can contaminate shellfish and cause muscle paralysis and death if eaten a

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UA NSC 170C1 - Food Safety

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 9
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