UNT BIOL 3510 - Gene Expression
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BIOL 3510 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Coding Amino Acids II RIbosomes III Process of Translation a Initiation b Termination Outline of Current Lecture I Gene Expression II Transcriptional Regulators III Cell Memory Current Lecture Gene Expression Different cell types from the same organism have the same genome Different cell types produce different sets of proteins accounting for differences in cell appearance and function Gene expression is the process that results in the generation of a specific protein or RNA molecule Gene expression can be regulated at multiple steps A cluster of bacterial genes can be transcribed from a single promoter In bacteria transcription regulators bind to regulatory DNA sequences close to where RNA polymerase binds Genes can be switched on by activator proteins The Lac operon is controlled by two transcription regulators Eukaryotic transcription is regulated by transcriptional activators and repressors that act at a distance Transcriptional regulators bind to specific regulatory DNA sequences Some transcriptional regulators recruit chromatin modifying proteins These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Histone tail modifying enzymes a Histone acetyltransferase promote txn b Histone deacetyltransferase inhibit txn 2 Chromatin modifying complexes Combinatorial control multiple transcriptional regulators act to control the expression of a single gene A single transcriptional regulator can control the expression of many genes Cell memory allows a proliferating cell to transmit its cell identity to its daughter cells 1 Positive feedback 2 Transmission of DNA methylation patterns inactive genes are methylated 3 Inheritance of histone modifications Epigenetic inheritance transmission of the pattern of gene expression without modifying the DNA nucleotide sequence An miRNA targets a complementary mRNA molecules for destruction siRNAs are produced from double stranded foreign RNAs in the process of RNA interference

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UNT BIOL 3510 - Gene Expression

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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