ANSC 210 1nd Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Previous Lecture I II III IV V Silky Terrier AKC Papers New Breeds AKC Competitions Companion Animals a Rats b Rabbits Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI VII VIII Pick the Dog and Owner Examples Dog Showing Judging Dog Shows Dog Show Lingo Performance Dog Shows Cats Cat Fanciers Association Most Popular Purebred Cats Current Lecture I Pick the type of dog to avoid and a good dog for various people a Woman triathalete who lives and trains in Boston i Avoid 1 Toy group 2 Terrier group b 4 year old boy never owned a dog lives in suburb i Good 1 Labrador 2 Bulldog not a lot of parts for the kids to pull on 3 Rottweiler ii Avoid 1 Toy group 2 Terrier group These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II c Teenage girl who barrel races and lives with other animals on a 20 acre ranch i Good 1 Sporting group 2 Almost any dog 3 Great Pyranese ii Avoid 1 Toy group d Middle age couple used to have a Great Dane now want small dog i Good 1 Australian shepherd 2 Shetland sheepdog 3 Border collie 4 Herding dog ii Avoid 1 Toy group 2 Bulldog e Family with 3 kids lives on lake and have a pool want a companion for the kids i Good 1 Chesapeake bay retriever 2 Labrador 3 Golden retriever 4 Poodle 5 Newfoundland ii Avoid 1 Toy group 2 Bulldog 3 Terrier group f Young living in apartment wants a dog for companionship and security i Good 1 German shepherd 2 Basset hound 3 Bulldog ii Avoid 1 Dalmatian 2 Weimaraner 3 Sporting group 4 Herding group g Family living on farm who want help with pest control i Good 1 Terrier group Dog showing a Conformation b Rules for AKC i Must be older than 6 months ii iii iv v III IV V VI Not neutered AKC registered Meet the breed characteristics or standard Attain 15 points consisting of 1 2 majors 3 to 5 point wins awarded by different judges 2 Other points attained by additional majors or individual points 3 The more popular the breed the larger number of dogs must be in the ring to win a substantial number of points Judging Dog Shows a 3 000 AKC registered judges b Evaluate the dog in 2 minutes c Westminster show has 40 judges 2 500 dogs i Best of Show judge is picked 2 years before and is kept secret Has to know breed standards for all AKC breeds Dog Show Lingo a AB all breed b O obedience c JSHW Junior Showmanship Performance Shows a Obedience i Cannot talk to dog ii Dog is just supposed to do things iii Cannot remind it b Rally i More communication ii Newer competition iii Less stringent c Agility d Earthdog e Filed hunting i Sporting dog trials f Gun dog g Herding h Lure coursing i Coonhound trials j Tracking associations Cats a Advantages i Usually smaller than dogs ii Less expensive iii Clean b Easy to care for c Low noise d Cat breeds VII VIII i 5 in America are pure breds ii Numerous iii Based primarily on hair coat color length texture iv Also body structure and behavior e Domestic short hair is the most popular f Domestic long hair is next Cat fanciers association a Established in 1906 b Recognize 37 breeds c Dedicated to the preservation of pedigreed cats and the enhances well being of all cats d Shows also include household pets Most Popular Pedigreed Cat Breeds a Persian i Smashed face ii Brachycephalic iii Temperament sweet and gentle iv Long haired cat v Size 6 12 lbs vi Medical concerns 1 Breathing problems 2 Tearing problems 3 Cardiomypathy 4 Snore b Maine Coon i Large ii Weather proof coat iii Hunters iv Oldest American breed v Dense undercoat vi Temperament goody and interactive vii Size 9 18 lbs viii Males are bigger and can continue to grow until 3 or 5 years old c Exotic i Brachecyphalic ii Persian with short hair d Siamese i Seal chocolate blue and lilac ii Temperament very vocal and affectionate iii Size 5 12 lb iv Medical Concerns heart disease and liver amylodiosis e Ragdoll i California in 1960s ii Persian x Birman iii Large affectionate calm iv Name for relaxing completely when picked up
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