TAMU ANSC 210 - Introduction to the Companion Animal Industry
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ANSC 210 1nd Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X What are Companion Animals Benefits of Pet Ownership Domestication History of Companion Animals Companion Animals Companion Animal Industry Pet Food Industry Pet Supply Industry Pet Healthcare Industries Dog breeds Current Lecture I II III What are companion animals a Pets b Animals people keep for company c companion i Com with ii Pan bread iii Something you share bread or meals with something you feed Benefits of Pet Ownership a Health cardiovascular b Stress relief c Exercise d Mental and physical stimulation e Friendship f Security g Pest control Domestication a When man controls breeding b Dog domesticated first i A vast number of various breeds and sizes c Horse domesticated next i A smaller number of varied breeds and sizes d Cat domesticated last These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV V VI VII i Most cats are the same size ii The only differences are the coat colors History of Companion Animals a Dogs domesticated 15 000 years in Asia b Cats domesticated 6 000 years ago in Egypt c Domesticated for work however now they are pets d Pets are now important in society Companion Animals a People care for the companion animals b Pets are the only animals some humans have experience with i Little humans can learn compassionate and learn to play with the animals ii Mass murders usually start out torturing animals c Pet ownership is increasing i Cat ownership is increasing faster than dog ownership ii 90 of dogs live in urbanizing areas iii Usually smaller animals reptiles rodents are increasing d Pet ownership by country i US has the highest number of animals per 100 people 1 18 dogs 100 humans 2 21 cats 100 humans 3 By us states a California 61 animals 100 people i 1 million dogs ii 8 8 million cats b Texas 84 100 people i 7 million dogs ii 6 5 million cats c Florida 70 100 people i 4 million dogs ii 4 6 million cats ii France is number two 1 17 dogs 2 13 cats iii Australia is number three 1 15 dogs 2 13 cats Companion Animal Industry a Owners spend 620 per medium sized dog per year b Cat owners spend 575 on cats c What is learned from this i Pet owners value pets ii Pet ownership increasing Pet Food Industry a James Spratt sold meat fibrine dog cake in 1860 VIII IX X i First dog food b Charles Cruft expanded the business to promote the dog food at dog shows c Sponsored Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in Madison Square Garden in NYC d F H Bemett make milk bones and puppy foods in 1908 i Nabisco bought milkbone in 1931 e Dr Leon Whitney developed dog foods and tested them for completeness f Pelleted dog food emerged after cake foods g Canned food 1920s h Dr James Corbin made first extruded pet foods in 1954 i These are the dry dog foods that compose 60 of the market today i US had 330 manufacturers of petfoods and 3300 brands j US produced about 8 million tons of pet food in 2002 Pet Supply Industry a Hartz Mountain in 1929 with Max Stern importing canaries b Dr Mark Morris vet discovered that animals fed low protein and salt who had kidney disease improved i Developed Hill Science Diets ii Morris Animal Foundation c PETCO founded 1865 d PETsMART founded in 1987 i Include 1 Grooming 2 Training 3 Veterinary care Pet Healthcare Industries a Vaccines and pharmaceuticals b Merial is the largest pet pharmaceutical i 17 research and development centers ii 2 5 billion dollars c Bayer d billion e Pfizer Animal health f Elanco i Lily s animal health division Dog Breeds a Breeds are genetically and phenotypically similar b You can predict the i Growth and size ii Nutritional needs iii Disease susceptibility iv Cost of ownership v Behavior c Nutrition restriction as a puppy for all the large dogs

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TAMU ANSC 210 - Introduction to the Companion Animal Industry

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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