Physiology 206 1STedition Lecture 36 Outline of Last Lecture I Disorders II Reproductive System a Male b Female Diabetes Outline of Current Lecture I Ovulation II Uterine Cycle III Estrogen Current Lecture Ovum produced in ovaries released into oviducts fertilized and transferred to uterus Progesterone maintains conditions for pregnancy Ovulation is triggered by a surge in LH levels This maintains corpus luteum A drop in LH allows for the follicular stage Reuglation hypothalamus stimulates LH and FSH secretion Ovulation triggered by surge in LH Ovarian cycle then gives rise to uterine menstrual cycle Uterus 2 parts myometrium uterine muscle and endometrium uterine lining Estrogen stimulates growth of both parts of uterus Both increase in mass Endometrium also develops high levels of progesterone receptors Estrogen is excreted during follicular phase increases size and mass of endometrium Progesterone inhibits uterine contractions Is excreted during luteal phase Uterine Cycle day 1 is first day of menstrual blood flow Estrogen and progesterone levels decrease sharply bc corpus luteum degenerates Myometrium is contracted and endometrium secretes prostaglandins Prostaglandins very powerful vasoconstrictors These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute In endometrium constrict blood vessels and cut off blood flow causing endometrium to die Stimulate contraction of smooth muscle how they cut off blood flow Stimulate myometrium Dead endometrium is forcibly expelled from uterus source of cramps Total blood loss during a cycle is 100ml 3oz after 1 week Follicular secretion of estrogens ends menstrual flow Proliferative phase starts again ovulation ends proliferative phase Ovarian cycle is controlled by hypothalamus and controls the uterine cycle
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