UNT HIST 2620 - Vietnam
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Lecture 32 Outline of Last Lecture I Vietnam Outline of Current Lecture II Continuing Vietnam Current Lecture Vietnam Diem violates the Geneva Convention by attacking the North which goes against the rules Diem wanted the NLF out of South Vietnam Viet Cong the people in the south called the people from the north Viet Cong when they came to the south they called themselves the national liberation front Kennedy s escalation of the war increased the number of advisors Johnson changed the nature of the Vietnam fighting by bombing them to scare them he secretly ordered attacks had the navy sail around Vietnam to surround them the goal was to stop NLF and their activities Gulf of Tonkin USS Maddox was attacked by Vietnam President ordered more ships USS Turner and USS Maddox were attacked again Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave the President permission to fight without declaration of war we wanted to gain more control over the situation LBJ slowed down the bombing because he didn t want it to become a wider war meaning he didn t want to soviets to get involved North Vietnam responded by Ho Chi Ming asserting himself in South Vietnam and to invade them General William Westmoreland created the new strategy for the U S Attrition Tet Offensive was NLF attacking every major city in Vietnam the goal was to take South Vietnam My Lai Massacre was U S murdering women and children it was covered up by the military 1968 election Johnson announced he wasn t going to run because he wanted his attention to go toward ending the war one candidate wanted to carry on the war and the other candidate wanted to end it Democratic National Convention they picked Hubert Humphrey to run against LBJ These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Nixon s campaign promised peace Domino theory of one country fell to communism then soon enough other countries would soon follow U S fear MLK suggested to stop bombing cease fire stop build up in Thailand the U S had to accept NLF has support and to include them in meetings and set date to remove troops and let Vietnam take care of itself

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UNT HIST 2620 - Vietnam

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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