UNT HIST 2620 - Bay of Pigs
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Lecture 28 Outline of Last Lecture I Study Guide for Exam Outline of Current Lecture II JFK III Bay of Pigs IV Cuban Missile Crisis Current Lecture JFK in his inauguration speech he wanted to address foreign policy which meant a cultural shift for the U S it showed his determinism to defeat the Soviets he also thought it was our war to win throughout his presidency his administration was primarily focused on foreign policy Bay of Pigs JFK inherited this plan through Eisenhower he authorized the CIA to overthrow Castro thinking that the Cuban people would be supportive of this invasion which was false the goal overthrow Castro and the establishment of a non communist government once JFK became president he gave permission to continue with the plan but to make sure it wasn t publicized that the U S was involved background info to know about the plan that they wanted to achieve but DIDN T HAPPEN call two airs strikes against Cuban air bases 1 400 men would launch a surprise attack in the middle of the night disrupt transportation of Cuban forces by dropping paratroopers and the main force would go across the island to Matanzas to set up their defense position the invasion April 15th the CIA used bombers painted like the Cuban s air force the bombers missed many of their targets which left them exposed to the Cuban s and it became known that they were U S planes April 17th the invasion force landed on the Bay of Pigs and came under heavy fire two ships sunk and the air support was half destroyed These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Castro s response was to send 20 000 troops to the beaches and send more fighter planes to control the skies since the U S airmen arrived late it left the Cubans to dominate the battle leaving more than a 100 Americans killed it became an embarrassment for JFK because he failed to achieve the mission and failed to show the Soviets what he could do from then on tension grew between Cuba and the U S Cuban Missile Crisis Tension between the U S and Cuba grew more Soviets befriend Castro so that they can put missiles on Cuban land once JFK learns about their plan he set up a naval blockade to prevent from doing any more and he asked Krushchev to remove the missiles and he did October 16th JFK and his adivsors discuss what to do about the missiles discovered in Cuba JFK decides to send a quarantine of naval ships around Cuba American citizens believed the war was coming to an end because of the Soviet missiles possibly firing Oct 26th Krushchev sends a coded cable to JFK saying they ll remove the missiles if the U S doesn t invade Cuba and take out their missiles that are in Turkey both parties agree

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UNT HIST 2620 - Bay of Pigs

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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