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For my new experience I had the opportunity to take care of my Mom s new pet holland lop rabbit Lulu over spring break I learned that caring for rabbits requires proper attention and commitment To maintain their health rabbits need a clean and spacious living environment regular exercise socialization and access to fresh water and food It is also important that owners provide opportunities for exercise and play while supervising them to prevent any accidents Learning to read a rabbit s behavior and body language is essential to ensure they are happy and healthy To practice proper care for Lulu I would allow her to play outside freely and observe her behavior I noticed once she would lay down on her side she had gotten her energy out and was ready to be put back in her enclosure I learned rabbits require a balanced diet of hay fresh vegetables and limited pellets I provided fresh greens such as kale daily along with fresh water in a 3 inch bowl Lastly to provide a proper environment I made sure her litter was cleaned daily I also made sure she had a fan on her at all times to prevent overheating as she is housed in the garage In conclusion I enjoyed this experience and learning about rabbit care My main takeaway from this experience is that although rabbits are smaller companion animals they require just as much care as a cat or dog if not more Overall proper care and attention are vital to keeping rabbits as healthy and happy pets

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TAMU ANSC 210 - Essay

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