What are the Dietary Guidelines DGs Existing guidelines used regarding nutrients and food How often are the guidelines Published 5 years What are the DGs used for What are the DGs not used for What is the new primary concern of DGs How has the focus shifted in the DG What are the existing two food guides offered by the USDA Referring to either food or macronutrients Preventing nutritional deficiency Overweight and chronic disease Ex Chronic Heart Disease Malnutrition from under nutrition to malnutrition from over nutrition My pyramid My plate current What is DRI Dietary Reference Intake Historically what were RDAs used for Preventing nutrient deficiencies and subsequent deficiency diseases What is the focus of the DRI Setting the parameters for consumption of macro micro nutrients by a healthy population How do DRIs distinguish between populations Age Gender Maternal Needs Lactation Pregnancy Lemon Juice Ships out at sea Seamen No Scurvy Why was Britain so concerned with Citrus Which culture suggested protein for soldiers Who created the first recommendation for protein The Dutch The British 81g of Protein and 3000Kcal day What were the first protein recommendations based off of What is Agricola What are the first published dietary records Name a period of The Experiment Station Record Where did Atwater study dietary intake in regular people Name the 7 different nutrients the USDA included in their 1930 report Who is the Mother of Nutrition The Father Observing what healthy people ate and what diet would maintain health at the lowest cost The electronic form of The Bibliography of Agriculture The Experiment Station Record The Atwater period Storrs CT The University of CT What did the USDA establish in the 1930s The first set of standards for 7 different nutrients as well as riboflavin and thiamine Kcal Protein Ca P Fe Vit A Vit C Hazel Steibling Wilbur Atwater What did Stiebling take part in during her legacy Head of USDA Assisted in the publication of first dietary standards Coined Dietary Allowances Vit D deposition in the bone Quantification of dietary standards for Vit A Vit C Ca P and Fe What did Steibling focus her studies on When were the first and last RDA publications When was the DRI introduced 1941 1989 1997 What was the purpose of the early stage RDA Where did the focus shift for RDAs in the late 80s What population did RDA focus on and how did it affect the nation What do RDAs not address Provide standards to serve as a model for good nutrition Prevent malnutrition and deficiency diseases in military Chronic Disease Reduction Risk ALL healthy individuals A large portion of the population cannot be truly described as healthy Therefore that portion of the population is unaccounted for Nutrient Bioavailability as well as the interaction and synergy within the human body Different age groups Why were RDAs reformed Sufficient data warranting new nutritional recommendations Nutrients and Chronic disease prevention recommendations Upper limit of nutrient intake needed to be defined Other non classically considered nutrients needed to be analyzed Who publishes the DRI s The DRI Committee for Scientific Evaluation of the Dietary Reference Intakes Name the Acronym Nutrient Based Reference Values EAR RDA AI UL Macronutrient and Energy AMDR EER Estimated Average Requirements Recommended Dietary Allowance Adequate Intakes Tolerable Upper Intake Levels Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range Estimated Energy Requirement What are the components of the DRI based on Metabolic studies Clinical trials Other Studies What time increment do the DRI components take into account Dose response balance depletion repletion prospective observation case control approaches They refer to average daily intakes over a number of days Expressed as amount day however they re more appropriately considered as average intake over periods of time weeks or months Define EAR and how it was established Average daily nutrient intake estimated to meet requirements of half the healthy people in a particular life stage or gender group How is the EAR utilized Established using Experimental data Develop the RDA Assessing the adequacy of estimated nutrient intakes of individuals and groups Intake planning for specific groups 50 population Best used when planning or addressing the needs of a group or population Define RDA and how it was established The average daily dietary intake needed to meet needs of 97 98 of healthy individuals in a specific group 2 SD above the EAR 97 98 population general guideline Established via EAR 2 SD No SD Multiply EAR by 1 2 or 1 3 How is the RDA utilized Recommended intake for healthy individuals Approximation for long term intake by individuals Define AI What is it based on Recommended average daily intake levels Based on estimates of nutrient intake by a group of adequate healthy people When is the AI used When RDA cannot be determined due to inability to determine EAR Ca Vit D Choline Biotin Fluoride Na Highest average daily nutrient intake level that poses no threat to almost all individuals in the general population How is the UL utilized Long term consumption considerations Does not apply towards clinical treatments Average dietary energy intake that is predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy adult of a defined gender weight height and physical activity Range of intakes of an energy source associated with a reduced risk of chronic disease Energy source can provide adequate amounts of essential nutrients Macronutrients of total energy intake Determine if the nutrient intake of an individual or group meets nutritional needs Recommend a diet that provides adequate levels of nutrients for either an individual or group What micronutrients were assigned an AI due to lack of EAR Define UL Define EER Define AMDR How is the AMDR utilized DRI Utilization Dietary Assessment Dietary Planning Individual Assessment EAR Use to examine the probability that usual intake is inadequate RDA AI UL Usual intake at or above this level has a low probability of inadequacy Usual intake at or above this level has a low probability of inadequacy Usual intake above this level may place an individual at risk of adverse effects from excessive nutrient intake Individual Planning EAR RDA AI UL RDA AI UL RDA AI UL Group Assessment EAR Group Planning EAR Should not be used as an intake goal for the individual Plan for this intake usual intake at or above this level has a low probability of
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