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01 A What is Psychology What are the ABCs of psychology Affect Behavior and Cognition How would you summarize psychology as a discipline Behavior in humans and animals and how it is caused by brain function Study of normal abnormal psych Collect and analyze data and devel Of intervention strategies Broad from bio to sociology Most members in working field have doctorate Can work alone or independently Labs hospitals courts schools universities community health centers prisons corporate offices What are the most common subfields and what kinds of jobs do those psychologists do Clinical psychologists access treat short term crisis to chronic Developmental psych devel Over lifespan Experimental ranging from cognitive processes and comparative psych across species and or cross species Health how biological psychological social factors affect health conditions illness Neuropsychologists Behavioral neuropsychologists study how the brain works stores memories does certain tasks School gives services to children and their families Social analyze individual and group behaviors 01 B Mindset Matters Is my grade in a course just a reflection of how intelligent I am as a person Grade reflects mindset of what mindset there is intelligence is more than just the mindset What is the difference between fixed and growth mindsets Fixed mindset thinking that you can t change any longer and that you won t learn anymore Growth mindset thinking that you CAN grow and change rather than staying where you are How did Dweck demonstrate that changing our mindsets can change our performance Monitored 7th grade math students to see who had which mindset Those with growth performed better than those with fixed 01 C Learning Styles Do I really have a learning style that determines whether or not I can successfully learn in a course There is NO fundamental evidence proving it one way or another people just think that they can learn in a certain way vs another 01 D Studying Smart What does studying smart involve Knowing which study tactics are best and using those study smart rather than hard Don t cram 30 minutes each day Why is distributed practice more effective than studying a lot for a test Less stress Trains brain to retain more info Which common studying techniques were found to be the least effective for students Highlighting only prompts you to remember key words Re reading old notes w out revising them exhaustive technique Writing a summary at the end of notes only somewhat beneficial for those who are good at it Why does being tested help me learn What is the research evidence that supports the Testing Effect How should this influence how I study Calls for information strengthens it and helps it come back to mind more easily in the future something over Proven by taking college students and giving them 7 minutes to read Some were told to immediately take a test and others studied it more Those given the test remembered it more in the next 2 days week later Those studying more only remembered as a majority for the next 5 minutes How can UMD students get some coaching on how to study LESS and get MORE from that time Learning Assistant Services can go and schedule a meeting with a counselor and improve study skills 01 E Healthy Brain Better Gains What can I do to help my brain help me Give it time to recover from extended periods or exertion and or effort Give it full nutrients needed for all of it s functions What is the relationship between sleep and learning Still not FULLY sure REM cycles makes sense of disparate emotionally fragmented or weakly coupled memories into coherent structure that brain can use more effectively when awake Good night s sleep helps memory Things learned right before bed are better remembered in the morning more complex topic more beneficial sleep is sleep deprivation negatively impacts muscle performance How does what you eat influence what you learn 1 Vitamin B12 folic acid aka folate nervous system specifically creation of neurotransmitters keeping risky amino acid levels to a min 2 Fats low fat high omega 3s good 3 Antioxidants prevent oxidation of other chemicals process to produce tissue damaging substances called free radicals 4 Breakfast missing breakfast poor mental performance esp on memory visual recognition tasks high fiber is better Why would a moderate amount of exercise improve academic performance Important in maintaining healthy efficient blood flow to the brain Short term oxygen boost to the brain Arteries veins important for providing nutrients for removing toxins Requires smooth operating system cerebrovascular system that is monitored by exercise Recommended 30 min a day 5 days a week Strengthens heart reduces blood pressure lifts mood 01 F Test Anxiety What are the three causes of test anxiety 1 Fear of failure pressure devastating w ppl w high sense of self worth 2 Lack of preparation 3 Poor test history past experiences can lead to negative mindset What are the three categories of test anxiety symptoms 1 Physical sweating nausea diarrhea shortness of breath etc 2 Emotional anger fear hopelessness disappointment 3 Behavioral cognitive hard time concentrating negative thoughts comparing to others What are some of the best strategies for reducing test anxiety Be prepared Develop good test taking skills Maintain a positive attitude Stay focused Practice relaxation techniques Stay healthy Visit counseling What have psychologists discovered as some of the other benefits of using these strategies Carl Weems Univ of New Orleans found that anxiety intervention programs found in schools have diff stigma than regular anxiety intervention programs If left untreated can lead to more severe disorders like depression PTSD anxiety as adults substance abuse etc 01 G Underperformance What is the difference between task orientation and ego orientation Tasl want to do well bc of performance and own good ego want to do well bc of praise Why would people use self handicapping to protect their ego What research evidence is there that this occurs Bc of anticipated loss want to protect self esteem Proof study with the impossible qiestions Those who already were told that they succeeded on the really hard part said that they wanted the performance hindering drug to give excuse for doing poorly 2nd time 01 H Stereotype Threat courses What is stereotype threat Why would it detract from performance in some Ppl consider themselves feeding into a stereotype would detract from

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UMD PSYC 100 - What is Psychology?

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12 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

34 pages

Module 9

Module 9

27 pages



2 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

34 pages

The Brain

The Brain

10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

7 pages

Test 1

Test 1

5 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

7 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

6 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

7 pages

Test 3

Test 3

16 pages

Test 3

Test 3

16 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

6 pages

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

15 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

17 pages

Test 2

Test 2

15 pages



2 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

24 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

6 pages



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Exam 3

Exam 3

6 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam #1

Exam #1

6 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

4 pages

Midterm 2

Midterm 2

13 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

11 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

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