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Chapter 8 1 Components of total energy expenditure a Basal Metabolism energy needed for life sustaining activities b Physical Activity most variable c Thermic Effect of Food estimation of the energy required to process food 2 Factors that affect basal metabolism rate BMR a Age decreases height increases with higher rate of growth increases with speed body composition increases with amount of lean tissue stress fever smoking caffeine all increase it 3 Body mass index BMI and body fat recommendations a BMI measure of a person s weight relative to their height 18 5 25 is a healthy weight b Young Women 15 22 body fat c Body fat range increases with age 4 Waist circumference recommendations Young Men 7 16 body fat a Women less than 35 more than that leads to greater risk of chronic diseases b Men less than 40 greater leads to risk of chronic diseases 5 Visceral fat vs Subcutaneous fat Implications of body shape a Visceral Fat stored around organs of abdomen central obesity apple body shape due to upper body fat more common in men b Subcutaneous Fat pear shape fat around waist hips and thighs more common in women Chapter 10 and 11 1 Characteristics in general of vitamins a Flash Cards 2 Know difference and characteristics between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins a Fat Soluble Vitamins A D E K hydrophobic require transport protein go to lymph system then blood stream excess excreted by kidneys via urination stored in fat tissue and build up faster than water soluble vitamins b Water Soluble Vitamins B and C hydrophilic most travel freely in body go directly to bloodstream when absorbed excess excreted by kidneys via urination 3 Know basic functions of all vitamins 4 Know RDA AI and UL for vitamins that are underlined in the outline of vitamins a Flash Cards a Flash Cards a Flash Cards a Flash Cards 5 Know major food sources of all vitamins 6 Know deficiency toxicity diseases related with each vitamin Chapter 12 Water 1 Functions of water in the body a Carries nutrients and waste participates in metabolic reactions lubricant and cushion for joints eyes spinal cord and amniotic sac helps regulate body temp maintains blood volume 2 Intracellular fluids and Extracellular fluids Intracellular Fluid fluid in the cell high in potassium and phosphate 2 3 of body s water a b Extracellular Fluid fluid outside of cell interstitial fluid is high in sodium and chloride 1 3 of water 3 Water recommendations a Varies depending on diet activity temperature etc b Men 3 7 L 16 cups Women 2 7 L 12 cups 4 Primary electrolytes cations anions in intracellular fluids and extracellular fluids a Cations sodium extracellular and potassium intracellular Anions chloride extracellular Major minerals 1 Characteristics in general of Minerals a Sodium Potassium and Chloride maintain fluid balance of body b Calcium Phosphorus and Magnesium maintain bone teeth growth and development 2 Know basic functions RDA AI and UL major food sources and deficiency toxicity diseases of all major minerals Focus on Sodium Potassium and Calcium a Sodium i Functions primary cation in extracellular fluid maintains fluid balance nerve transmission and muscle contraction kidneys filter all sodium out of blood ii Food Sources processed foods highest levels table salt NaCl naturally in some foods iii AI 19 50 y o 500 mg day iv Deficiency rare vomiting diarrhea and heavy sweating decreases sodium muscle cramps UL 2300 mg day and confusion are symptoms v Toxicity causes edema and high blood pressure hypertension i Functions maintains fluid and electrolyte balance main intracellular cation helps lower blood pressure and negate some pressure raising aspects of sodium ii AI 4700 mg day adults iii Food Sources fresh fruits and vegetables iv Deficiency high blood pressure salt sensitivity kidney stones v Toxicity overconsumption of potassium supplements never possible from food kidneys b Potassium accelerate excretion c Calcium i Functions 99 is used for bone teeth structure and as calcium banks to regulate blood calcium 1 is in body fluids where it maintains blood pressure muscle contractions and nerve impulse transmissions 1 Need stomach acid and vitamin D to help with absorption pregnant women and teens absorb more adults absorb about 30 of Ca ingested ii RDA Older Males 51 70 1000 mg day Men over 70 1200 mg day Women over 50 1200 mg day Adolescents 1300 mg day iii UL 2500 mg day iv Food Sources milk milk products green leafy vegetables tofu almonds v Deficiency limits peak bone mass or weakens bones early bone loss osteopenia and then osteoporosis if osteopenia is not alleviated

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