Things in Red or Highlighted were emphasized in class extra pics diagrams at end of each section LAB 1 Muscles of the Forearm Hand Lower leg and Foot Anatomical Brevis short muscles Palmaris palm Digitorum fingers Digiti Minimi pinky Ulnaris to pinky Hallucis big toe Carpi hands Radialis to thumb Pollicis thumb Flexion decreases Extension increases ADDuction closer ABDuction away Shoulders legs wrist thumbs pinkys Pronation rotation toward midline Supination rotation part away Inversion turning inward bottom foot facing inward Eversion turning outward bottom foot facing out ROM Plantar Flexion Dorsi Pollicis Thumb Hallucis Big toe Origin attachment site that DOESN T move during contraction Insertion DOES MOVE during contraction Muscle of Forearm SLIDES 24 28 Anterior Flexor Carpi Radialis flexion hand wrist Abduction of the hand at wrist Flexor Carpi Ulnaris flexion of the hand at the wrist ADduction of the hand at the wrist DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO ABOVE INSERTION Flexor Digitorum Superficialis middle flexion of phalanges 2 5 flexion of hand at wrist insertion pinky Flexor Digitorum Profundus flexion of phalanges at finger flexion of hand at wrist insertion 2nd finger Palmaris Longus flexes hand at wrist big tendon when flexing forearm INSERTION PALM Pronator Teres pronation of hand at elbow Brachioradialis flexion of arm at elbow divider of anterior posterior forearm muscles Things in Red or Highlighted were emphasized in class extra pics diagrams at end of each section Posterior Extensor Carpi Ulnaris extension of hand at wrist ADDuction of hand at wrist insertion ulnar side Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus extension of hand at wrist ABDuction of hand at wrist insertion radial side Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis extension of the hand at the wrist Abduction of the hand at the wrist Extensor Digitorum extension of hand at wrist extension of phalanges 2nd 5th at finger Extensor Digiti Minimi extension of hand at wrist extension of the 5th phalange Supinator supination of hand at elbow Abductor Pollicis Longus abduction of thumb at finger extension of thumb at MCP joint insertion ulna when right arm palm down Extensor Pollicis Brevis extension of thumb ar finger joints MUSCLES OF THE HAND look over insertion origin SLIDES 34 Abductor Pollicis Brevis Abduction of the thumb Flexor Pollicis Brevis flexion of the thumb at the MCP joint Adductor Pollicis at MCP joints Extension of phalanges at IP joints MUSCLES OF THE LOWER LEG AND FOOT SLIDES 44 48 Leg Tibialis Anterior dorsiflexion of foot at ankle inversion of foot at ankle Tibilais Posterior plantarflexion of foot at ankle inversion of foot at ankle Extensor Digitorum Longus extension of digits 2 5 at MCP IP joints dorsiflexion of foot at ankle eversion of foot at ankle ANTERIOR Fibularis Longus plantarflexion of foot at ankle eversion of foot at ankle POSTERIOR Fibularis Brevis plantarflexion of foot at ankle eversion of foot at ankle LATERAL Gastrocnemius plantar flexion of the foot at ankle flexion of leg at knee Origin Femer Soleus plantarflexion of foot at ankle Origin Tibia Fibula Flexor Digitorum Longus Flexion of digits 2 5 at MCP IP joints plantarflexion of foot at ankle inversion of foot at ankle POSTERIOR Things in Red or Highlighted were emphasized in class extra pics diagrams at end of each section Foot Flexor Digitorum Brevis Flexion of 2 5 toes Extensor Digitorum Brevis Flexor Hallucis Brevis flexion of big toe Abductor Digiti Minimi ABDuction of 5th toe flexion of 5th toe Origin underneath goot pinky side heel inserts by pinky Lumbricals flexion of digit at metatarsophalangeal MTP joints extension of phalanges at interphalangeal IP joints Adductor Hallucis ADDuction of hallux at MCP Abductor Hallucis ABDuction of hallux at MCP Origin underneath view by heel insertion big toe Things in Red or Highlighted were emphasized in class extra pics diagrams at end of each section LAB 2 SPINAL CORD NERVES REFLEXES AND GENERAL SENSES Difference between spinal cord nerves Spinal cord Spines and skull protect the nerves Spinal nerves No skeletons protect the nerves Sympathetic Fight flight Parasympathetic Feed Breed Ganglion a nerve cell cluster Pre Post Sympathetic Chain Synapse closer to spinal cord so we got more control of it which make the response quicker fight flight Adrenal gland Sweat gland Blood vessel are ONLY controlled by sympathetic system Things in Red or Highlighted were emphasized in class extra pics diagrams at end of each section KNOW NEUROTRANSMITTERS AND RECEPTORS OF EACH SYSTEM picture CNS SPINAL CORD Spinal Cord Anatomy D outer thickest DURA A middle spider web like ARACHNOID P innermost hug spinal cord PIA Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic NS 1 Sympathetic thoraco lumbar 2 Parasympathetic cranio sacral Spinal Nerves 31 Pairs attached to Spinal Cord 8 Cervical 12 Thoracic 5 Lumbar 5 Sacral 1 Coccygeal 4 Spinal Plexuses Cervical Brachial Lumbar Sacral Things in Red or Highlighted were emphasized in class extra pics diagrams at end of each section Spinal Nerves extend inferiorly to the spinal cord and form a cauda equina Irritation of the phrenic nerve causes diaphragm spasms or hiccups 2 Enlargements Cervical Enlargement C3 or C4 to T1 contains nuclei for upper extremities Lumbar Enlargements T9 to T12 contains nuclei for lower extremities Cauda equina The One s you only need to know Cervical Plexus Phrenic Innervate diaphragm Brachial Plexus Axillary Innervates shoulders areas Deltoid teres minor Ulnar Innervates flexors Flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum profundis lumbricals opponens digiti minimi flexor digiti minimi abductor digiti minimi adductor pollicis Median Innervates flexors and lumbricals Anterior compartment of the forearm lumbricals Musculocutaneous Innervates biceps brachialis Anterior compartment of the arm Close to biceps Radial Innervates extensors Posterior compartment Lumbar Plexus Femoral leg Obturator Sacral Plexus Pudendal o Innervate anterior compartment of the thigh o Innervate extensors of upper o Innervate medial compartment of the thigh o Innervate Adductors o Innervate penis and anal sphincter Sciatic upper leg Things in Red or Highlighted were emphasized in class extra pics diagrams at end of each section o Posterior compartment of the thigh o Pass under piriformis muscle and moves down the posterior leg Tibial lower leg foot o Branches from sciatic nerve o Moves down the lower posterior leg o Innervate posterior compartment of leg flexors and medial compartment of leg o
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