Exam 3 Study Guide Define the Immune System and its 3 lines of defense The immune system is a functional system made up of two intrinsic defense systems that act independently and cooperatively to provide resistance to disease 1 Innate NONspecific Defense System a 1st line External membranes skin mucosa secretions Serve as physical surface barriers and also secrete protective chemicals i Mucous membranes provide the lining for all body cavities that open to the exterior skin 1 Acidity of skin secretions pH 3 5 inhibits bacterial growth on our 2 Stomach mucosa secretes HCl and protein digesting enzymes to kill microorganisms 3 Saliva and lacrimal fluid contain lysozymes strong enzymes to destroy and digest bacteria 4 Mucus to traps microorganisms trying to enter these openings ii Skin keratinized epithelial membrane that is resistant to most weak acids bases and toxins b 2nd line Takes effect when 1st has been penetrated i e cut Inflammation proteins phagocytes lines of defense occur with in minutes This is to primarily kill pathogens and repair tissue i Phagocytes We have 2 types confront pathogens Both derive from white blood cells and digest WBCs and foreign substances Adherence is made possible by recognizing the pathogen i e complementary protein and vaccine aid with this 1 Macrophages leave blood stream in search of foreign substances 2 Neutrophils Type of WBC that becomes phagocytic upon encounter Otherwise this cell is normal ii NK Cells non phagocytic don t act like a macrophage a major difference between NK and T cell NK is NOT specific to antigen like a T cell 1 This is a quick and shorter lasting response so NKs are useful in killing pathogens before immune system can fully detect it These stimulate apoptosis of target infected cell 2 Enhance inflammatory response 3 MHC Complex plays a role If there is an no MHC complex the NK Cell will release Cytokines Remember the NK cells are checking I D s The NK Cells are like club bouncers 2 Adaptive SPECIFIC Defense System a This is the 3rd line of defense where foreign substances are attacked This would be like the function of Humoral B cells and Cellular T cells to respond to a foreign agent b Typically takes a longer time than the innate to work 1 Explain how the innate and adaptive systems are intertwined Innate and adaptive systems are intertwined in that proteins released during an innate response alerts cells of the adaptive system about the presence of a foreign substance Essentially the innate system sets the adaptive system up to be effective Exam 3 Study Guide What are surface barriers and how do they function as the first line of defense Skin keratinized epithelial membrane Tough barrier Resistant to weak acids bases toxins Mucous Membranes Acidity of skin secretions pH 3 5 inhibits bacterial growth on our skin Mucus traps microorganisms trying to enter openings Stomach mucosa secretes HCl and protein digesting enzymes to kill microorganisms Saliva and lacrimal fluid contain lysozymes strong enzymes to destroy and digest bacteria Explain Nonspecific Cellular Chemical Defense the second line of defense including phagocytes phagocytosis phagocyte mobilization and other factors in this line Complementary proteins and vaccines aid in adhering a pathogen to a phagocyte Phagocyte Mobilization Phagocytes flooding injured area after inflammation by 4 steps 1 Leukocytosis Damaged cells induce release of Neutrophils from red bone marrow to increase WBCs in blood 2 Margination Clinging of phagocytes to inner walls of capillaries Inflamed cells sprout Cell Adhesion Molecules CAMs a b Neutrophils adhere to CAMs on inner walls of capillaries 3 Diapedesis Chemical signaling allows neutrophils to flatten and squeeze through capillary 4 Chemotaxis Inflammatory chemicals which act as magnets chemotactic agents to draw in phagocytes Neutrophils and monocytes thus macrophages follow this chemical trail walls Phagocytosis 1 Phagocyte adheres to a microbe pathogen 2 Plasmic extensions bind to the particle and pull it inside a membrane lined vacuole now a 3 Phagosome fuses with a phagocytic vesicle contains strong digestive enzymes to form a phagosome phagolysosome 4 The microbe is then killed and digested by lysosomal enzymes leaving a residual body 5 The residual indigestible material is removed from the phagocyte by exocytosis presenting 2 Essentially this connects the 2 an antigen know they are antigen presenting cells They present the pathogen to the T cells rd line of defense This mechanism lets the other cells nd and 3 Exam 3 Study Guide Methods of Pathogen Destruction Simple digestion by lysosomal enzymes Respiratory burst free radicals which kill cells K enters phagosome pH rises activates protein digesting enzymes that digest the invader Defensins are chemicals produced by neutrophils that pierce the pathogen membrane Describe the responses to injury reactive hyperemia and the mechanisms of occlusion training Upon injury we have a release of chemical mediators such as cytokines to promote inflammation attract WBCs histamines kinins prostaglandins leukotrienes and complement proteins to induce vasodilation of blood vessels in injured area HISTAMINE and LEUKOTRIENE are MAIN sources of increasing Vasodilation Histamine is also the MAIN chemical increasing CAPILLARY PERMEABILITY o Hyperemia more blood flow redness and heat o Exudates fluid with clotting factors and antibodies accumulate this accumulation causes pain due to pressure Though this build up of fluid is beneficial because the surge of fluid help dilute harmful substances delivers proteins and can aid in fibrin mesh creation o Ex Raynaud s phenomenon affected area is at first white due to reduced blood supply then is followed by a bright red as reactive hyperemia occurs and blood returns to the area Occlusion Pressure closing of an area blood vessel There is a theory on how to get larger muscles dealing with Occlusion training Three mechanisms act together to produce an environment that is favorable to muscle growth with low occlusion training 1 Fiber type recruitment fast twitch glycolytic increase due to limited amount of 2 Accumulation of metabolites lactic acid acidity low pH GH secretion from oxygen available posterior pituitary 3 mTOR pathway activation protein synthesis Redness heat swelling and pain are the 4 cardinal signs of internal defenses 3 Describe Antimicrobial Proteins Antimicrobial proteins are small protein molecules that enhance the innate defenses by
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