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Ch 1 Establishing Credibility 1 1 Explain the importance of establishing credibility for business communication Post trust era public overwhelming views businesses as operating against the public s best interests and the majority of employees view their leaders and colleagues skeptically You often operate from a deficit of trust when conducting business In the post trust era skepticism is high By establishing credibility your colleagues clients customers and other contacts will respond far more favorably to your communication 1 2 How competence caring and character affect your credibility as a communicator Competence proven set of skills and knowledge to accomplish business tasks other will judge you by your track of success o How you communicate affects this Caring act in the interest of other cultivate a sense of community and demonstrate Character adhere to high personal corporate and business values 1 2 Define and explain business ethics corporate values and personal values Business ethics commonly accepted beliefs and principles in the business community for accountability acceptable behavior Transparency involves sharing all relevant information with stakeholders Code of conduct publicly traded companies are required by the Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002 to have a code of ethics available to all employees and to ensure that it is enacted Corporate values stated and lived values of a corporation Personal values values prioritized and adhered to by an individual o If one is living corporate values that do not match one s personal values then there is a lack of integrity 1 3 Explain the FAIR approach to ethical business communications FACTS how factual is your communication ACCESS how accessible or transparent are your motives reasoning and info IMPACTS how does your communication impact stakeholders RESPECT how respectful is your communication Ch 2 Interpersonal Communication Skills 2 1 Describe the interpersonal communication process and barriers to effective communication Interpersonal communication process process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people Each person involved is both encoding and decoding meaning refers to the thoughts and feelings that people intend to communicate to one another Encoding process of converting meaning into messages composed of words and nonverbal signals Decoding process of interpreting messages from others into meaning Shared meaning a situation in which people involved in interpersonal communication attain the same understanding about ideas thoughts and feelings Noise causes distortion to or interruption to messages o Physical noise external noise that makes a message difficult to hear or receive o Physiological noise refers to disruption due to physiological factor hearing problems illness memory loss o Semantic noise apply different meaning to the same words or phrases o Psychological noise refers to interferences due to attitudes ideas and emotions experienced during an interpersonal connection All incoming messages are decoded through a filter of lifetime experience accumulation of knowledge values expectations and attitudes based on prior personal experience Emotional intelligence involves understanding emotions managing emotions to serve goas empathizing with other and effectively handling relationships with others 2 2 Explain how emotional hijacking can hinder effective interpersonal communication People are hardwired to experience emotions before reason Emotional hijacking when emotions control our behavior causing us to react without thinking Often make statements that are rash nonintentional and non analytical 2 3 Describe the basic domains of emotional intelligence and related communication competencies and assess your own emotional intelligence Self awareness foundation for emotional intelligence accurately understanding your emotions and how they affect you Triggers events that cause strong emotional reactions Self management ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and to direct your behavior positively Mitigating information short circuit moderate anger almost immediately Empathy ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what Relationship management ability to use your awareness of emotions and those of others is really going on with them to manage interactions successfully 2 4Explain the trade offs associated with richness control and constraints when choosing a communication channel Communication channel the medium through which message is transmitted Richness the level of immediacy and number of cues available Immediacy relates to how quickly someone is able to respond and give feedback Control refers to the degree to which communications can be planned and recorded Planning implies that the communication can be tightly drafted edited and revises rehearsed and developed Permanence refers to the extent to which the message can be stored received and distributed communication Constraints practical limitation of coordination and resources Coordination effort and timing needed to allow all relevant people to participate in Resources financial space time and investments necessary to employ particular channels of communication o Synchronous communication occurs in real time immediate responses o Asynchronous communication does not occur in real time 2 5 Describe how forms of communication level of formality and communicator styles influence work place communication Private communication one to one communication that involves just a few individuals about work matters Team communication many to many communication Networked communication may to many communication that is growing in importance connect with people you may not know Leadership communication one to many executive or other high role develops a message for all relevant employees Formality protocols rules structure and politeness Informality absence of rules Communicator styles o Sensors pragmatic and results oriented Be direct brief and to the point o Feelers more people oriented Focus on harmony personal comments and explain impacts of decisions on people o Thinkers logic focus on well organized analyzed and conclusive arguments o Intuitors future oriented out of the box thinkers take time for discussion 2 6 Explain the role of civility in effective interpersonal communication and the common types of incivility in the workplace Guiding Principles 1 Slow down and be present in life 2

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FSU GEB 3213 - Establishing Credibility

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

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