Psychology Notes chapter 3 Neutral Stimulus NS The white rat was neutral to Albert he had no experience with it previously so its presence had no particular meaning There s no naturally wired response to the neutral stimulus it s just well neutral Unconditioned Stimulus UCS A baby just like an adult or another mammal will have a startle response to a loud noise Albert wasn t conditioned to have this response to the gong it s natural and automatic So in this study the gong is the UCS Unconditioned Response UCR Crying is the natural and automatic response to a scary noise so in this study the gong UCS triggered the unconditioned response UCR of crying Conditioned Stimulus CS After repeatedly pairing the white rat NS with the gong UCS the baby learns the association What was neutral now has a conditioned meaning so the rat has gone from a NS to a CS Conditioned Response CR If Albert sees the rat or anything else white or fluffy for that matter he now begins to cry even without hearing the scary sound The unconditioned crying response UCR has now becomes a conditioned response CR to the presences of the rat CS Garcia Effect The taste aversion Stimulus generalization refers to applying what you learn about one stimulus to another similar stimulus and reacting the same way An aversion to just the berries of that bush with exactly the same color would not be as adaptive as an aversion to that kind of berry even if it s a slightly different color or a little bigger or smaller Stimulus discrimination on the other hand refers to the ability to distinguish between two different stimuli The learned aversion to those particular berries is helpful but it would be problematic if you became averse to all red foods apples strawberries cherries Twizzlers To give you another example you don t answer your cell phone every time you hear one ring you discriminate between your ringtone and others Classical conditioning Systematic Desensitization Flooding Operant conditioning Positive reinforcement desired stimulus after a desired behavior has occurred EX 10 minutes of TV for every 30 studying Negative Reinforcement Removing an annoying stimulus after an action has occurred Nagging taken away after the rom is clean Positive Punishment Presenting a punishment after something bad occurs soap in mouth after cursing Negative Punishment Removing something you want after a bad thing occurs Taking away the car after coming home to late Continous Fixed Ratio Fixed Interval Variable Ratio Variable interval Shaping behavior
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