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GEB 3213 Mid Term Test Date 3 4 15 Chapters 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 16 Chapter 1 Establishing Credibility Credibility your reputation for being trustworthy the degree to which others believe or trust in you Post Trust ear the public overwhelmingly view businesses as operating against the public s best interests and the majority of employees view their leaders and colleagues skeptically Competence refers to the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks approach business problems and get a job done Caring implies understanding the interests of others cultivating a sense of commu nity and demonstrating accountability Once an individual is perceived as unconcerned about the interests of others or disinterested in causes above and beyond himself others distrust such a person Accountability A sense of accountability involves a feeling of responsibility to stakeholders and a duty to other employees and customers By placing a rationale for accountability in your communications you will gener ate substantial trust and goodwill from others What Determines Trust in Individuals in the Workplace Business ethics the commonly accepted beliefs and principles in the business com munity for acceptable behavior Transparency involves sharing all rele vant information with stakeholders The dominant business ethic in recent years is transparency You can create a transparent workplace by being accessi ble acknowledging the concerns of others and following through when you don t have immediate answers Corporate values the stated and lived values of a company Personal values those values that indi viduals prioritize and adhere to Aligning personal values those values that individuals prioritize and adhere to with corporate values is an important element of character After all if one is living cor porate values that do not match one s personal values then there is a lack of integrity Open and Honest Communication By avoiding open and honest communication of business problems employees doom a business to poor financial performance Dishonesty is among the primary reasons for lower employee morale Dishonesty can be reason for dismissal The Fair Test Facts Access Impacts Respect Facts how factual is your communication Access How accessible or transparent are your motives reasoning and informational Impacts How does your communication impact stakeholders Respect How respectful is your communication Q The FAIR Fair Access Impacts Respect test is intended to evaluate the credibility of your business communication Chapter 2 Interpersonal communication Interpersonal communication process the process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages between involves the exchange of simultaneous and mutual messages to share and nego two or more people tiate meaning between those involved Noise causes distortion to or interruption Types Physical External noise difficult to hear Psychological hearing problems illness memory loss so on Semantic apply different meanings to the same word or phrase Psychological interference due to attitudes ideas and emotions experienced Emotional intelligence involves understanding emotions managing emotions to serve goals empathizing with others and effectively handling relationships with others Emotional hijacking a situation in which emotions control our behavior causing us to react without thinking Self awareness foundation for emotional intelligence understanding your emotions as they occur and how they affect you Self management the ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and to direct your behavior positively involves responding productively and creatively to feelings of self doubt worry frustration disappointment and nervousness Empathy ability to accurately pick up on others emotions Communication channel The medium through which a message is transmitted ex ample emails phone conversations and face to face dialogue Richness involves the level of immediacy and number of cues available Immediacy relates to how quickly someone is able to respond and give feedback Permanence refers to the extent to which the message can be stored and retrieved and distributed to others Constraints practical limitations of coordination and resources Coordination the effort and timing needed to allow all relative people to participate in a communication Resources Financial space time and so on Synchronous occurs in real time examples Phone calls conference calls videocon ferences webinars Asynchronous does not occur in real time ex email texting blogs wikis social net working Factors Impacting the Formality of Business Communication Communicator styles sensers pragmatic and results oriented when addressing sensers be direct brief and to the the point feelers tend to be more people oriented focus on harmony when addressing include personal comment and explain the impacts of decision on people Thinkers focus on logic objectivity and correct analysis when addressing focus on well organized well analyzed dispassionate and conclusive arguments Intuitors future oriented out of the box thinkers when communicating with them take more time for discussion and don t overemphasize Communicator Styles sense of the big issues from the perspective of the other person Chapter 3 Listening Team Communication and Difficult Conversations Active listening a person s willingness and ability to hear and understand Learner statements show your commitment to hearing people out Judger statements show you are closed off to hearing people out shut down honest conversations The goal of summarizing is to restate major themes so that you can make Active listening also involves expressing your own perspectives and feelings A crucial skill is the ability to ask the right questions Good questions reflect the learner mind set and poor questions reflect a judger Rapport building intended to create bonds between people Funnel questions move from general to specific Probing questions intended to analyze a business problem from every angel Solution oriented focus on how to overcome business problems Leading intended to guided people to your way of thinking disguised opinions presented in question form in order to uncover its root causes Types of questions mind set done Stages cross examination interned to find contradiction in what others have said or flict the team should approach work Forming stage team members focus on gaining acceptance and avoiding con Storming stage team members open up with their

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FSU GEB 3213 - Chapter 1: Establishing Credibility

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Chapter 1

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

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