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Mod 1 What are the ABCs of psychology A Affect B Behavior C Cognition How would you summarize psychology as a discipline The scientific study of thought and behavior What are the most common subfields and what kinds of jobs do those psychologists do Clinical Assess and treat emotional mental and behavioral disorders Cognitive Study perception thinking and memory Counseling Help people to recognize their strengths and resources to be able to cope with everyday problems challenges Developmental Studies the development of a human throughout the lifespan Engineering Research how people work best with machines Experimental Study human and non human animals to understand and respond to what s happening in the environment Industrial Organizational Apply psychological principles to the workplace Neuropsychologist Explore the relationships between the brain and behavior how thought and behavior can be explained by activity in the brain Social Interested in how interpersonal relationships and interactions with other people shape behavior School Assess and counsel students consult with parents and staff and provide behavioral interventions when necessary Is my grade in a course just a reflection of how intelligent I am as a person What is the difference between fixed and growth mindsets Fixed belief that level of intelligence remains constant over a lifetime Growth belief that you can always develop new abilities with practice How did Dweck demonstrate that changing our mindsets can change our performance The group of children who were taught about how the brain grows and makes new connections to become smarter had higher grades than those who just attended workshops about study skills Do I really have a learning style that determines whether or not I can successfully learn in a course Everyone has learning preferences but not necessarily actual differences in the way that we learn What does studying smart involve Spreading out your studying instead of cramming all at once taking practice tests to test your learning Why is distributed practice more effective than studying a lot for a test Comparison with basketball shots you have to train your brain to hold and use information Which common studying techniques were found to be the least effective for students Highlighting underlining re reading summarizing Why does being tested help me learn What is the research evidence that supports the Testing Effect How should this influence how I study Testing trains your brain to be able to access and use information which is supported by the Roediger and Karpicke study showed that students who took a practice test after learning information were able to better retain that information than students who only studied Should influence studying by quizzing yourself classmates writing test questions and practicing answering them How can UMD students get some coaching on how to study LESS and get MORE from that time Learning Assistance Services LAS at the Counseling Center What can I do to help my brain help me Get healthy amounts of sleep food and excercise What is the relationship between sleep and learning Sleep connects fragmented knowledge and ideas so they can be more effectively accessed and used when you re awake How does what you eat influence what you learn The brain needs to be fueled by food in order to function especially needs Vitamin B12 folic acid Omega 3 s Antioxidants Vitamins A C and E fiber Why would a moderate amount of exercise improve academic performance Short term oxygen boost to the brain Long term maintaining healthy blood supply to brain Also helps overall health which is good for the mind What are the three causes of test anxiety Fear of failure lack of preparation poor test history in study linked with exposure to natural disasters What are the three categories of test anxiety symptoms Physical headache nausea sweating etc emotional anger fear helplessness behavioral difficulty concentrating negative thinking comparing to others What are some of the best strategies for reducing test anxiety Be prepared develop good test taking skills maintain a positive attitude stay focused practice relaxation techniques stay healthy and visit the counseling center What have psychologists discovered as some of the other benefits of using these strategies Learning how to cope with test anxiety may help to be able to handle built up anxiety about other issues What is the difference between task orientation and ego orientation Task orientation feeling successful when making progress towards a goal Ego orientation feeling successful when praised for performance Why would people use self handicapping to protect their ego What research evidence is there that this occurs To minimize their ability as an explanation for poor performance the study that showed people who had previously been given a solvable puzzle chose a performance hindering instead of enhancing drug to protect themselves from failure and to keep the belief that the first success was their own What is stereotype threat Why would it detract from performance in some courses Feeling like you are at risk of confirming a negative stereotype about your group What are some evidence based ways to reduce the threat Not stressing differences moving questions about gender and ethnicity to the back of the exam What is inattentional blindness When our attention is focused only on one thing so we fail to notice anything else going on What is the evidence that laptops and cellphones can interfere with your learning Roberts Curtis study students who used a laptop or cell phone during class performed worse on a surprise quiz How is psychology similar to and different from other disciplines e g sociology anthropology On the individual level instead of groups Describe four general theoretical perspectives that psychologist might use to explain thought and behavior Biosocial thought and behavior can be inherited survival of the fittest Sociocultural group norms guide thought and behavior Behavioral seek pleasure and avoid pain behavior determined by Social cognitive thought and behavior guided by beliefs attitudes goals experience with outcome memory etc Mod 2 What is cognition What is metacognition Thinking about thinking Mental abilities and processes related to knowledge What is the difference between Automatic and Controlled cognition Describe this in terms of intention awareness control and effort Controlled requires conscious processing and takes

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UMD PSYC 100 - Study Guide

Documents in this Course


16 pages



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12 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

34 pages

Module 9

Module 9

27 pages



2 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

34 pages

The Brain

The Brain

10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

7 pages

Test 1

Test 1

5 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

7 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

6 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

7 pages

Test 3

Test 3

16 pages

Test 3

Test 3

16 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

6 pages

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

15 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

17 pages

Test 2

Test 2

15 pages



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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

24 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

6 pages



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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam #1

Exam #1

6 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

4 pages

Midterm 2

Midterm 2

13 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

11 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

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