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CHAPTER 8 Appendicular Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Functions It includes bones of the upper and lower Girdles that attach the limbs to the axial limbs skeleton The Pectoral or Shoulder Girdle Pectoral 32 total bones Shoulder 2 bones 30 in free part Upper Limb The pectoral girdle The free part 1 humerus 1 ulna 1 radius 8 carpals 19 metacarpal and phalanges The Free Part of Upper Extremity Attahced to upper skeleton by the glenohumeral joint Pectoral Girdle Clavicle articulates with sternal Scapula The Clavicle S shaped joint Clinical Connection Fractured Clavicle F O O S H fall on outstretched hand Weakest point of clavicle Forces are generated through the upper limb to the trunk during a fall 1 cause for broken clavicles seatbelts A Fractured Clavicle Features on the Scapula Spine Acromion Coracoid process protubering process that is on anterior surface of the scapula Glenoid cavity Head of humerous fits into scapula Medial lateral and superior borders Superior and inferior angles Subscapular supraspinous Point of attachment for muscles infraspinous fossa Superior angle uppermost aspect of the scapula Supraspinatus intraspinatus teres minor subscapularuous SITS 4 rotator cuff muscles Scapula Head of humerous fits into scapula at the glenoid cavity supraspinousPoint of attachment for muscles Scapula Skeleton of the Arm Humerus Longest and largest bone upper free limb The proximal ball shaped Features Greater and lesser tubercle Intertubercular sulcus or bisipital groove Anatomical neck Surgical neck point where humerus is broken Features of Humerus Deltoid tuberosity the deltoid muscle Capitulum articulates w head of radius Troclea Coronoid fossa anterior side depression that receives coronoid process during forearm flexion Flexion decrease angle Extension increase angle Olecranon fossa posterior side receives olecranon process during forearm extension Medial and lateral epicondyles muscles in forearm attach to that Humerus and Glenohumeral Joint Humerus and Glenohumeral Joint Know all surface markings The longer of the two forearm bones medial to the Skeleton of the Forearm Ulna radius Olecranon tip of elbow Coronoid process ridge anterior lip of proximal ulna Trochlear notch depression receives the trochlear of the humerus during elbow flexion Styloid process both have Ulna radius Connected by interosteous membrane Proximal radial ulnar joint Distal radial ulnar joint Ulna Surface Features Notice head of ulna radius Ulna Surface Features Ulna Surface Features Radius Lies lateral to the ulna thumb side of the forearm The head articulates with the capitulum of the humerus and the radial notch of the ulna Radial tuberosity medial and inferior to head attachment site for muscle called the biceps brachi muscle Styloid process large distal projection on the lateral side Distally the Radius Articulates with Three Carpal Bones the Scaphoid Lunate and Triquetrum Distally the Radius Articulates with Three Carpal Bones the Scaphoid Lunate and Triquetrum Skeleton of the Hand The carpus wrist consists of 8 small bones carpals Two rows of carpal bones Proximal row Distal row 14 phalanges Medicarpal phalangeal MCP Interphalangeals know articulations Wrist SLTP lateral to medial TTCH proximal to distal Some lovers try positions that they can t handle Skeleton of the Lower Limb Two separate regions Pelvic girdle Free lower limbs femur articulates proximally w Pubic symphysis False pelvis lies above line contains no pelvic organs except urinary bladder when full uterus during pregnancy True pelvis everything inferior to that line bony pelvis has inlet and outlet pelvic axis birth canal Pelvis Pelvis The Ilium Largest of the three hip bones Ilium Body Iliac crest Inferior to iliac crest sacral ala Hip pointer Greater sciatic notch sciatic nerves that run down your leg Gluteal lines for muscle attachment Anterior superior iliac spine ASIS Anterior interior iliac spine AIIS Posterior superior iliac spine PSIS Posterior interior iliac spine PIIS Know medial lateral views Lateral view Ischium and Pubis Ischium most inferior and posterior part of your hip bone Most prominent feature is the ischial tuberosity what touches when you sit on a chair Pubis Pubis superior ramus vs inferior ramus A body Operator foramen Superior and inferior rami and a body The lesser sciatic noch is part of the ishium Ramus of the ishium Acetabulum head of femur sits in the socket Combinations of all 3 illium ishium pubis False and True Pelves Pelvic brim False pelvis True pelvis Pelvic axis Skeleton of the Thigh Femur and Patella Femur Proximally Neck Distally Also articulates with patella Head of humerus is smaller than the glenohumeral joint Humerus joint has greater range of motion The head of the femur is larger than the joint it goes into Why you can swing your arm all the way around not your leg Femur Longest heaviest strongest bone in the body Greater and lesser trochanters Gluteal tuberosity and linea aspera Intercondylar fossa depression b w 2 condyles Medial and lateral epicondyles for muscle attachment of the knee Medial lateral condyles articulate w tibia to make up the knee joint They also articulate w patella Fibula is NOT part of the knee joint Head articulates with acetabulum Linea aspera is only on posterior side Fova capita indentation in the head Femur Know difference b w line crest The linea aspera can only be seen in posterior view The gluteal lines is not on the medial view Femur Patella Largest sesamoid bone in the body Forms the patellofemoral joint Thick articular cartilage sits around it Increases the leverage of quadriceps Patellofemoral stress syndrome runner s knee Patella know articulations Tibia Shin Bone The larger medial weight bearing bone of the leg Lateral and medial condyles on proximal end articulate with the femur Distally articulates w talus tarsal bone in ankle w fibula Tibiofibular joint Intercondylar eminence Tibial tuberosity Medial malleolus your ankle that sticks out Fibula The smaller laterally placed bone of the leg Non weight bearing Head articulate with tibia Lateral malleolus articulates with tibia and Tibiofibular joint talus in ankle Tibia and Fibula Tibia and Fibula Skeleton of the Foot Tarsals Metatarsals and Phalanges Seven tarsal bones Five metatarsals 14 phalanges Tarsus Talus articulates w tibia fibula Tarsal articulate w medatarsals would be tarsomedatarsal joint Medatarsals articulate w phalanges meditarsalphalangeal Know views Arches of the Foot NOT ON TEST

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LSU KIN 2500 - Appendicular Skeleton

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