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KIN 2500 Introduction to the Human Body ANSWER KEY Supplemental Instruction mland84 lsu edu SI Matthew Landry Office Hours Spring 2014 Monday and Wednesday 10 30 11 20am and Thursdays 8 30 9 20am in 39 Allen Match the correct word with its definition 1 Anatomy C 2 Physiology D 3 Auscultation G 4 Dissection B 5 Palpation F 6 Inspection A 7 Percussion E a Observing the body for any obvious changes from normal b The cutting apart of body structures to study their relationships c The study of the structures of the body d Science that deals with the function of an organism e Tapping on the surface of the body with fingertips and listening to the resulting echo f Touching the body surfaces with the hands g Listening to body sounds often with the aid of a stethoscope Life Processes List and describe the six important life processes of humans Metabolism The sum of all chemical processes that occur in the body Responsiveness The body s ability to detect and respond to changes in its internal or external environment Movement Motion of the whole body individual organs single cells and even structures within cells Growth An increase in body size due to the increase in size of existing cells number of cells or amount of material surrounding cells Differentiation Process specialized cells go through to become specialized cells Reproduction Refers to the formation of new cells for growth repair or replacement or the production of a new individual Organization of the Human Body 1 KIN 2500 Introduction to the Human Body ANSWER KEY Supplemental Instruction Chemical Includes atoms and molecules DNA glucose Cellular Molecules combine to form cells Muscle Cell Blood Cell Tissue Group of cells that work together to preform a common function Connective Tissue Nervous Tissue Organ Different types of tissues are joined together Stomach System Related organs with a common function Digestive Heart System Organismal All the parts of the human body functioning together Anatomical Position Definition and Description The standard position of reference for the description of anatomical structures The subject stands erect facing the observer with the head level and eyes facing directly forward The feet are flat on the floor and directed forward and the upper limbs are at the sides with the palms facing forward Reclining Position There are two terms used to describe a reclining body If the body is lying face down it is in the prone position If the body is lying face up it is in the supine position Anatomical Terminology Anatomical Name Common Name Cephalic Cranial Facial Frontal Temporal Orbital Otic Buccal Nasal Oral Mental Head Skull Face Forehead Temple Eye Ear Cheek Nose Mouth Chin 2 KIN 2500 Introduction to the Human Body ANSWER KEY Supplemental Instruction Occipital Cervical Trunk Sternal Mammary Umbilical Coxal Inguinal Thoracic Abdominal Pelvic Pubic Scapular Vertebral Dorsal Lumbar Upper Limbs Acromial Axillary Brachial Antecubital Antebrachial Olecranal Cubital Carpal Manual Palmar Volar Digital Digits Phalangeal Pollex Dorsum Lower Limbs Femoral Patellar Crural Sacral Coocygeal Gluteal Perineal Popliteal Sural Pedal Tarsal Digital Digits Phalangeal Base of Skull Neck Breastbone Breast Naval Hip Groin Chest Abs Pelvis Pubis Shoulder Blade Spinal Cord Back Lower Back Shoulder Armpit Arm Upper Elbow Front Forearm Elbow Back Wrist Hand Palm Fingers Thumb Back of Hand Thigh Knee Front Side of Lower Leg Base of Spine Tailbone Buttock Anus Back of Knee Back Side Calf of Lower Leg Foot Ankle Toes 3 KIN 2500 Introduction to the Human Body ANSWER KEY Supplemental Instruction Dorsum Hallux Plantar Calcaneal Planes of the Body Top of Foot Big Toe Sole Heel Parasagittal separates Left and Right Frontal separates Anterior and Posterior Midsagittal separates Left and Right Through the middle Even Transverse separates Superior and Inferior Oblique Lies at an angle to all other planes sections Directional Terms Superior Towards the head Intermediate Between two structures Inferior Towards the feet Ipsilateral On the same side of the Rostral Relating to the nose and Contralateral On the opposite side of mouth region the midline as another Caudal Relating to the tail or Proximal Nearer to the attachment posterior of the body of a limb to the trunk Anterior Near the front of the body Distal Further from the Posterior Near the back of the body Superficial Toward or on the surface Ventral Toward the belly Deep Away from the surface of midline as another structure structure attachment of a limb to the trunk of the body the body 4 KIN 2500 Introduction to the Human Body ANSWER KEY Supplemental Instruction Dorsal Toward the back External Toward the outside of a Medial Nearer to the midline of Internal Toward the inside of a Lateral Farther from the midline of Cranial Relating to the skull or head towards the head the body the body structure structure 9 Regions of the Abdominal Pelvic Cavity Right Hypochondriac Epigastric Left Hypochondriac Right Lumbar Umbilical Region Left Lumbar Right Inguinal Pubic Region Left Inguinal The Body Cavities 1 The Cranial Cavity and Vertebral Canal a Formed by cranial bones b What organ s does it contain Brain and spinal cord c It is continuous with the vertebral spinal canal d What are meninges 3 Layers of Membranes Protective Tissue 2 The Thoracic Cavity a Formed by Ribs sternum thoracic portion of spinal cord b How many pleural cavities are there Two c The mediastinum is the central portion of the thoracic cavity It contains all the thoracic cavity organs except for Lungs Contains the heart thymus esophagus trachea and several large blood vessels d What does the pericardial cavity surround Heart e What muscle separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity Diaphragm 5 KIN 2500 Introduction to the Human Body ANSWER KEY Supplemental Instruction 3 The Abdominopelvic Cavity a Abdominal Cavity Contains the kidneys adrenal glands stomach spleen liver gallbladder pancreas and small intestines b Pelvic Cavity Contains the urinary bladder portions of the large intestines and the internal organs of the reproductive system Membranes of the Thoracic and Abdominal Cavities Serous Membrane a double layer membrane that covers the visecera within the thoracic and abdominal cavities o Parietal Layer o Visceral Layer Where is it found Lining the walls of cavities Where is it found Lining the walls of organs o Together the two layers form the serous sac Specific Membranes Pleura Pericardium

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