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Immune System Exam 3 PET3323C 1 Define the immune system and its 3 lines of defense The immune system is a functional system made up of two intrinsic defense systems that act independently and cooperatively to provide resistance to disease Innate nonspecific Defense system o Consists of 1st and 2nd line defense occur within minutes o 1st line surface barriers is external membranes skin and o 2nd line internal defenses is inflammation proteins and mucosa phagocytes Adaptive specific Defense system o 3rd line of defense o Attacks foreign substances o This system takes longer than the innate to work o Contains humoral immunity B cells o Contains cellular immunity T cells 2 Explain how the innate and adaptive systems are intertwined Proteins released during an innate response alerts cells of the adaptive system about the presence of a foreign substance Essentially the innate system sets the adaptive system up to be 3 What are surface barriers and how do they function as the first line of effective defense Surface barriers are part of the innate defense system and are the body s first line of defense o Skin mucus membranes and their secretions Keratin in the skin provides a tough layer for protection Mucus membranes provide a lining around the skin and secrete protective chemicals Skin is resistant to most weak acids and bases and toxins Mucus membranes o Acidity secretions pH 3 5 inhibits bacterial growth o Stomach mucosa secrets HCl o Saliva and lacrimal fluid contain lysozymes o Mucus membranes trap microorganisms 4 Explain Nonspecific Cellular Chemical Defense the second line of defense including phagocytes phagocytosis phagocyte mobilization and other factors in this line 2nd line killing pathogens and repair tissue Phagocytes confront pathogens there are 2 types o Macrophages leave the bloodstream in search of foreign substances o Neutrophils type of white blood cell that becomes phagocytic Both derived from white blood cells Natural Killer Cells NK cells Inflammatory response Antimicrobial proteins o Complement proteins o Interferons Fever 5 Describe the responses to injury reactive hyperemia and the mechanisms of occlusion training Inflammatory response is triggered when body tissues are injured 4 cardinal signs redness heat swelling and pain Release of chemical mediators o Cytokines promote inflammation and attract WBCs o Release of histamines by mast cells o Kinins prostaglandins leukotrienes and complement Induce vasodilation of small blood vessels in injured area More blood flow hyperemia accounts for redness and heat Chemicals increase permeability of capillaries exudates accumulate fluid w clotting factors and antibodies which causes swelling and then pressure on the nerves which causes pain Occlusion training results in reactive hyperemia mediated vasodilation o Mechanisms Fiber type recruitment Accumulation of metabolites lactate GH mTOR activation protein synthesis pathway 6 Describe Antimicrobial Proteins Enhance the innate defense by attacking microorganisms and not allowing reproduction Interferons o Secreted by virus infected cells o Stimulate production of proteins that will interfere with viral replication within healthy cells Complement o Inactive proteins in blood o Cascade of activation of proteins activated by injury o The activation releases chemicals which amplify inflammation through vasodilatory release 7 Describe two biochemical pathways activate the complement system Classical and Alternative pathways Classical B cell o Involves the binding of antibodies produced by adaptive immune system to the invading organisms o Binding of C1 to the antigen antibody complexes complement fixation Alternative o Factors B D and P interact with polysaccharide molecules on the surface of certain microorganisms The two pathways converge on C3 and cleave C3 into C3a and C3b C3b will bind to target s cells surface and trigger the insertion of MAC membrane attack complex enhances inflammation which will form and stabilize a hole in the membrane causing lysis via an influx of water o Will also coat bacterial surfaces which enhances phagocytosis C3a will amplify the inflammatory response stimulates histamines increases blood vessel permeability and causes inflammation 8 Describe the adaptive defense system and its responses i e fever It is antigen specific recognizes and is directed toward specific antigens It is systemic immunity is not restricted to the initial infection site When effective it protects us from a variety of diseases Ineffectiveness can allow for presence of AIDS It has memory after initial exposure it recognizes and mounts even stronger attacks on the previously encountered pathogen Unlike innate it must be primed Vaccines Fever microorganisms and macrophages Elevated body temperature a systemic response to invading Body temperature is regulated by neurons in the hypothalamus Changes in response to pyrogens which are secreted by leukocytes Mild or moderate fever is beneficial The liver retains iron and zinc instead of releasing them to the body these nutrients would otherwise multiply bacteria Also increases metabolic rate of tissue cells speeds up repair High fever is dangerous denatures enzymes Integumentary System 1 Name and describe the skin characteristics and cells associated with the integumentary system Surface area 1 2 2 2 square meters Weight 4 5 kilograms Functions Is about 7 of total body wt o Protection fight bacteria prevents water heat loss Two distinct regions of the skin o Epidermis Epithelial Cells outer most o Dermis Underlies the epidermis Makes up most of skin Only dermis is vascularized Fibrous connective tissue Nutrients diffuse through tissue fluid to dermis Hypodermis This is subcutaneous tissue deep to the skin o Not actually part of the skin but has similar characteristics o Also called superficial fascia o It is mostly adipose tissue fat o Functions Storing fat hypodermis thickens with wt gain Loosely anchors skin to underlying muscles but still allows skin to slide Cells of the Epidermis o Keratinocytes produce keratin Most abundant of the epidermis cells Arise from stratum basale o Melanocytes produce melanin o Tactile Merkel cells sensory receptor for touch o Langerhans cells phagocytes antigen presenting cells Function Serve as phagocytes to fight foreign bodies and antigens 2 Be able to name describe and locate the layers of the epidermis and dermis Epidermis o Stratum corneum This is 20 30 cell layers thick Accounts for 75

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FSU PET 3323C - Immune System

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