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CHAPTER 12 47 Research a potential career by searching for occupational information studying demographic trends studying industry information seeking the help of professional and personal acquaintances all of these 48 Occupational information is available in all of the following except Standard Industry Classifications SIC the Occupational Outlook Handbook the Wall Street Journal BusinessWeek Forbes a b c d e a b c d e 49 Which one of these demographic trends for 2002 to 2012 is not correct The civilian labor force is expected to grow 13 percent a b Office administration support occupations will grow faster than average c d e Educational and health services will add more jobs than any other industry sector Nine of the ten fastest growing occupations are health or computer occupations A college degree or higher is required for all but one of the 50 highest paying jobs 51 The typical recruiter spends reviewing each r sum during the ini 50 Your initial network might include a b c d e family and friends professors former employers college alumni all of these tial screening a b c d e less than 10 seconds less than 35 seconds at least 1 minute at least 5 minutes at most 10 minutes 52 The most serious r sum error is a b c d e a grammatical error a typographical error unprofessional appearance excessive length failure to describe job functions 53 Your r sum should be designed to CHAPTER 11 Making Oral Presentations CHAPTER 12 47 Research a potential career by searching for occupational information studying demographic trends studying industry information seeking the help of professional and personal acquaintances all of these 48 Occupational information is available in all of the following except Standard Industry Classifications SIC the Occupational Outlook Handbook the Wall Street Journal BusinessWeek Forbes a b c d e a b c d e 49 Which one of these demographic trends for 2002 to 2012 is not correct The civilian labor force is expected to grow 13 percent a b Office administration support occupations will grow faster than average c d e Educational and health services will add more jobs than any other industry sector Nine of the ten fastest growing occupations are health or computer occupations A college degree or higher is required for all but one of the 50 highest paying jobs 51 The typical recruiter spends reviewing each r sum during the ini 50 Your initial network might include a b c d e family and friends professors former employers college alumni all of these tial screening a b c d e less than 10 seconds less than 35 seconds at least 1 minute at least 5 minutes at most 10 minutes 52 The most serious r sum error is a b c d e a grammatical error a typographical error unprofessional appearance excessive length failure to describe job functions 53 Your r sum should be designed to 45 Ineffective presentations suffer what types of consequences a b c d e inefficient use of time vital information not communicated lost sales waste of financial resources all of these CHAPTER 12 47 Research a potential career by searching for occupational information studying demographic trends studying industry information seeking the help of professional and personal acquaintances all of these 48 Occupational information is available in all of the following except Standard Industry Classifications SIC the Occupational Outlook Handbook the Wall Street Journal BusinessWeek Forbes 49 Which one of these demographic trends for 2002 to 2012 is not correct The civilian labor force is expected to grow 13 percent a b Office administration support occupations will grow faster than average c d e Educational and health services will add more jobs than any other industry sector Nine of the ten fastest growing occupations are health or computer occupations A college degree or higher is required for all but one of the 50 highest paying jobs 51 The typical recruiter spends reviewing each r sum during the ini a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e 50 Your initial network might include a b c d e family and friends professors former employers college alumni all of these tial screening a b c d e less than 10 seconds less than 35 seconds at least 1 minute at least 5 minutes at most 10 minutes 52 The most serious r sum error is a grammatical error a typographical error unprofessional appearance excessive length failure to describe job functions explaining motivating reporting persuading enhancing 53 Your r sum should be designed to 46 Which of the following is not a typical purpose of most business presentations CHAPTER 12 47 Research a potential career by searching for occupational information studying demographic trends studying industry information seeking the help of professional and personal acquaintances all of these 48 Occupational information is available in all of the following except Standard Industry Classifications SIC the Occupational Outlook Handbook the Wall Street Journal BusinessWeek Forbes a b c d e a b c d e 49 Which one of these demographic trends for 2002 to 2012 is not correct The civilian labor force is expected to grow 13 percent a b Office administration support occupations will grow faster than average c d e Educational and health services will add more jobs than any other industry sector Nine of the ten fastest growing occupations are health or computer occupations A college degree or higher is required for all but one of the 50 highest paying jobs 51 The typical recruiter spends reviewing each r sum during the ini 50 Your initial network might include a b c d e family and friends professors former employers college alumni all of these tial screening a b c d e less than 10 seconds less than 35 seconds at least 1 minute at least 5 minutes at most 10 minutes 52 The most serious r sum error is a b c d e a grammatical error a typographical error unprofessional appearance excessive length failure to describe job functions the purpose of reporting a explaining b persuading c d motivating lecturing e 53 Your r sum should be designed to 47 A publisher s presentation to a group of authors to describe how the publishing process works has CHAPTER 12 47 Research a potential career by searching for occupational information studying demographic trends studying industry information seeking the help of professional and personal acquaintances all of these 48 Occupational information is available in all of the following except Standard Industry Classifications SIC the Occupational Outlook Handbook the Wall Street

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