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United States Expansion to 1805 United States 1783 Britain o The American Revolution happens and the 13 colonies win their freedom from o The US Claims all the land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River and other o In total they claimed 105 Million acres the problem that comes with this is that Indians claim the land as theirs and this makes conflict between the Indians and the US o The US claims all this land because these Indian tribes sided with the British and so they lost the war and so they had to give up their land o The Euraikoie are the first to feel this policy in 1784 they moved them all onto reservation and take their land o The US comes up with Articles of Confederation and under this the Confederation Congress came up with the first land policy that are still in place now o Each state had the power to veto any laws that they didn t like and each state started to claim land from the land taken after the war o This didn t go good because the land locked states couldn t claim any land so these land lock state come up with that they will not go with any new laws until the states give up their land out west o The states that owned land out west gave up land to the United States General and from this territories new states could be carved out of them o This sets up the president that any new territory that was founded or explored wouldn t be a part of an old state but would be used to make a whole new state o Other policies that the Congress tried to come up with is the Ordinance of 1785 o The only way the government makes money back then was the sale of land and and Northwest Ordinance of 1787 the tax of imported goods o Ordinance of 1785 this is a new policy that surveys the land and broken it down tell the government how the land is worth this goes for any land obtained by the US The 640 acres cost 640 and the first land sale was in New York o Townships were 6x6 miles plot of lands that was set up with each 1x1 miles plots and this 640 acres plot land in the 1x1 square and there were two square plots left alone to set up a school and a government place o Northwest Ordinance of 1787 It applied to the old northwest in the country in the time the states around the great lakes were known as the old northwest The Ordinance said that they land that was given up would be split into 4 to 5 states and slavery could never happen there o Richard Henry Lee and others felt that government should be earned by these new states and not just given to them o When an area had 5 000 people living on it it would become a territory and the government would send out officials to govern it and later when it grew it would become a state o Hamilton and Jefferson debate over who should get government and when Hamilton wanted these new states to earn the government and Jefferson thought they should just be given as soon as the territory was established o There were also a fear of the west people because they went there to get away from the law and do what they wanted o Daniel Boone and Kentucky originally called Transylvania Boon was born in 1734 in Pennsylvania and because there isn t a lot of land he moves his family to North Carolina He lived off of hunting and selling what he killed The Transylvania Company came about and was buying land from Indians and would sell them to settlers Boone helped this company with talking and selling of the land he also helped the settlers travel to these new land into Kentucky The Colony of Virginia established Kentucky as their territory The British sets up a line saying we don t want anyone going pass it and messing with the settlers and causing problem In 1775 these colonies were being set up and at this time there was the revolution and the British became friends with the Indian tribes and gave them weapons to kill the settlers During one of the battles that happen with these Indian tribes Boone was captured because he hurt his ankle the Leader adopted Boone as one of their owns The British come into the same camp the Boone is in and start asking the Indians to kill some settlers and Boone runs away at night and travels 80 miles to warn the settlers Another man wrote a book about Boone and he became famous He died in Missouri in 1820 a Spanish Citizen but he was buried in Kentucky

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