PANTOTHENIC ACID B5 because it can be gotten from a large variety of foods cid 23 pantos means everywhere This vitamin is the least likely to develop a deficiency with cid 23 Food Sources Meats egg yolk legumes whole grain cereals potatoes mushrooms broccoli avocados and royal jelly Royal jelly is a byproduct of a bees honey and is also found in beauty products and beauty products contain this B5 Supplements include Calcium cid 23 Supplements cid 23 Forms Pantothenate and Pantothenol include Pantothenic Acid Pantothenate and Panthothenol Pantothenic Acid Pantothenate is usually bound to Co enzyme A Every time you see a Co enzyme such as Malonyl CoA Succinyl CoA etc you should think of B5 Panthothenol is in the alcohol form The alcohol form is found in multivitamins and beauty products Co enzyme A Phosphatases Pyrophosphatases Pantothenic Acid absorbed cid 23 Digestion includes eating it in free Panthothenol form or bound to Co enzyme A 85 is digested as part of Co enzyme A cid 23 Co enzyme A doesn t function without B5 cid 23 Absorption occurs in the jejunum High concentrations involve passive diffusion and low concentrations involve SMVT SMVT is a multivitamin transporter like the one used by Biotin so they will compete for it Once in the blood it can be extracellular free in plasma or intracellular Erythrocytes After that it can go to the liver to be used or sent to other tissues that need it cid 23 Tissues has the B5 functioning in 3 ways Co enzyme A 4 phosphopantetheine and Acylation factors We see Pantothenate 4 paosphopantothenate 4 phospho pantethiene Co enzyme A This pathway is inhibited by Acetyl CoA Malonyl CoA and other Acyl CoA s This is a regulatory mechanism cid 23 From CoA we can form Acetyl CoA Malonyl CoA Propionyl CoA Methylmalonyl CoA and cid 23 Coenzyme A is involved in decarboxylation of pyruvate OAA decarboxylation of Succinyl CoA You will usually see it as CoAS insert rest of molecule such as Succinate ketoglutarate Succinyl CoA Acetyl CoA Acetoacetyl CoA HMG CoA involved in cholesterol synthesis and by that can also form bile Fatty Acyl Enoyl CoA oxidation and ketone formation and Malonyl CoA FA synthesis cid 23 4 phosphopantetheine is involved in FA synthase complex The FA synthase complex is a dimer of two polypeptide monomers and involved in FA chain elongation Acetyl CoA Malonyl CoA FA synthase Chain elongation Does this by transferring acyl groups cid 23 Acetylation is involved in the reaction cid 23 Assessments cid 23 Deficiency Pantothenic acid from Choline Acetylcholine This is involved in neurotransmitters involve urinary reflects intake with or without load test and in plasma symptoms include burning feet syndrome abnormal skin sensations to feet and lower legs vomiting fatigue and weakness The syndrome maybe a NT problem and associated with Biotin cid 23 Populations at risk are alcoholics due to low intake diabetics due to increase excretion and inflammatory bowel disease patients due to decreased absorption Groups are at risk for other vitamin deficiencies as well so it will be hard to tell if it is solely for B5 cid 23 There are no reported human toxicities and a dose of 20g day not 20 mg can be taken and just give you diarrhea
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