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Metabolism of Vitamins and Minerals Every star means a new slide Most notes are in entirety but some are not so make sure to print before class We have 6 classes of nutrients Carbs proteins fats vitamins minerals and water Carbs proteins and fats are your macronutrients We will touch on alcohol but alcohol is not a nutrient but it does provide calories It is considered more of an intoxicant or drug Vitamins minerals and water do not provide any calories while carbs proteins and fats are you calorically providing nutrients Instead of calorie and non calorie contributing we can also break them down into organic and inorganic Minerals and water are your inorganic and you macronutrients and Vitamins are organic We will later look at a structure of a vitamin versus a mineral to drive this point home Vitamins They are organic essential needed through diet non energy yielding water or fat soluble and vulnerable to destruction We can make a few vitamins but not in the amounts so that we can go completely without taking more in Vitamins help with macronutrient break down but not with calories They are vulnerable to destruction by light heat time pasteurization and processed cooking If you have a bottle of vitamins that have been sitting there for over a year they are probably ready to be thrown out They break down because they have C and H bonds which can and will break down over time 12 was an extra slide Vitamin deficiency came about through a deficiency Collagen is that and can cause Scurvy British sailors sometimes called sea and contracting Scurvy This included mental problems bowing of the legs They saw that if sailors were given lime Scurvy They found out about this through a deficiency building component of bones and is produced by Vitamin C A deficiency in vitamin C won t allow the calcification of bones Limies were going out to homological problems and juice that it prevented formation not research and analysis They didn t know what the compound was that helped but now we know that it is not only in lime juice but actually citrus fruits This is called a bitot spot and is caused by Vitamin A deficiency Vitamin A is required to differentiate your keratinizing producing cells versus your mucosal producing cells Your eye forms goblet mucous cells so you can lubricate but without Vitamin A those goblet cells become keratinized cells like your finger nails but in your eye mouth or tongue This also came about through a deficiency What is a vitamin It is organic and essential compound needed in small quantities Essential meaning it cannot be made by body with the exception of Niacin Vitamin K and Vitamin D Niacin can be made from amino acids Vitamin K is made in your gut bacteria and Vitamin D is made from the sun Although these can be made you still need to have them in your diet to avoid deficiency 1 Lester V Bergman Corbis Images Infant Scurvy http www diet com g scurvy 2 Dr Caccamise 1960 70 blackened bitots http webeye ophth uiowa edu eyeforum atlas pages blackened Bitots spot in Vitamin A deficiency html Fat soluble versus water soluble Water soluble means it is absorbed in portal blood and excreted in urine Members of B complex and Vitamin C Some you only use numbers while others primarily are just stated as name B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B9 B12 Vitamin C Water Soluble Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic Acid Pyridoxine Biotin Folate Folacin Cobalamin was an extra slide Vitamin Main Coenzy mes Biochemical or Physiological Functions Deficiency Syndrome or Symptoms Food Source RDA or AI Thiamin B1 TDP or TPP Oxidative decarboxylation of kept acids and 2 keto sugars Riboflavin B2 FAD and FMN Electron H transfer reactions Niacin B3 NAD and NADP Electron H transfer reactions Pantothenic Acid CoA Acyl transfer reactions Some conditions and or individuals at risk for deficiency Alcoholism elderly malabsorptive conditions Alcoholism trauma hyper metabolic conditions Yeast pork sunflower seeds legumes Beef liver meats eggs yogurt ricotta cheese nonfat milk 1 1 1 2 mg 1 1 1 3 mg Tuna beef liver veal chicken beef halibut peanut butter Widespread of foods 14 16 mg 5 mg Alcoholism malabsorptive conditions Hartnup Disease Alcoholism malabsorptive conditions Beriberi muscle weakness anorexia tachycardia enlarged heart edema Ariboflavinosis cheilosis glossitis hyperemia and edema of pharyngeal and oral mucous membranes angular stomatitis photophobia Pellagra diarrhea dermatitis mental confusion or dementia Deficiency very rare numbness and tingling of hands and feet vomiting fatigue Biotin Cabroxybi otinyl lysine CO2 transfer carboxylation reactions Deficiency very rare anorexia nausea glossitis depression dry scaly dermatitis Pyridoxine B6 PLP Transamination and decarboxylation reactions Dermatitis glossitis convulsions Folate THF derivative One carbon transfer reactions Cobalamin B12 Methylcob alamin and adenosylc obalamin Methylation of Homocysteine and conversion of methylmalonyl CoA to Succinyl CoA Ascorbic Acid Vit C None Antioxidant hydroxylating enzymes involved in synthesis of collagen Carnitine and NE Excessive raw eggs alcoholism malabsorptive conditions Elderly alcoholism use of certain medications Alcoholism malabsorptive conditions use of certain medications Elderly strict vegetarians pernicious anemia some disorders affecting stomach and Ileum Elderly Alcoholism Smoking3 30 ug 1 3 mg 400 ug 2 4 ug 75 90 mg Synthesized by microflora of digestive tract liver soybeans eggs Steak navy beans potato salmon banana whole grains Brewer s yeast spinach asparagus turnip greens lima beans beef liver fortified grain products Meat fish shellfish poultry milk Papaya orange juice cantaloupe broccoli Brussels sprouts green peppers grapefruit juice strawberries Megaloblastic anemia diarrhea fatigue depression confusion Megaloblastic anemia degeneration of peripheral nerves Scurvy hyperkeratosis of hair follicles psychological manifestations retarded wound healing bleeding gums spontaneous rupture of capillaries Need to know RDA s for Iron Calcium and Vitamin D for future B vitamins are used for energy blood cell formation usage and for neurotransmitters and neurons Fat Soluble These do absorption and transport closely associated with lipids These are also more likely to get destroyed due to time Fat soluble are you re A D E and K vitamins Fats are transported by bile salts micelles chylomicrons lacteals and remnant goes to liver Once tissues have had enough your adipose tissue stores lipids rather than

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FSU HUN 3226 - Metabolism of Vitamins and Minerals

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