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Chapter 5 1 Mechanics include all of the following except A Content 2 Which of the following is not a way to achieve clarity in your writing C Emphasize compound sentences 3 Which sentence effectively uses words that are familiar to business people D The board of directors will soon meet to discuss acquiring the Sonar Company 4 Which statement does not contain a dangling expression C While traveling to Boston the auditor will review the financial reports 5 Identify the statement that does not contain an unnecessarily long word C William is vital to the success of the convention 6 Which sentence does not contain a clich or wordy expression B During 2004 the company will focus on redefining its mission statement 7 Short and simple words help business writers D express their meaning without distraction 8 Which is not a reason to avoid slang in business writing B It is not businesslike 9 Identify the sentence that does not contain a clich or slang C As you requested I sent a new catalog to the supervisor 10 Identify the sentence that does not contain a redundant phrase B Understanding absolute and relative cell references is fundamental to working with spreadsheets 11 The phrase came to an agreement is an example of E a hidden verb 12 The phrase there is is an example of A an expletive 13 Positive language E Does all of these 14 Two expressions that carry negative connotations are B will not and cannot 15 Negative language is appropriate when A your message must be strong and empathic 16 A sentence is often used to emphasize a single idea D simple 17 Which of these statements about sentence variety is not true B Mixing negative and positive sentence maintains reader interest 18 Identify the logical compound sentence B Jill will photocopy the letters and Adam will type the envelopes 19 In an active sentence D the subject performs the action 20 Passive voice is appropriate when E Passive voice is appropriate in all of these situations 21 When all your sentences work together to develop a single idea the result is B paragraph unity 22 A paragraph has coherence when each sentence A is connected smoothly to the sentence before and the sentence after 23 Which transition does not reflect a cause and effect relationship D finally 24 Which sentence lacks parallelism C Our word processing program includes pull down menus scroll bars and sentences can be checked for grammatical errors 25 Logically a paragraph should A cover a single topic 26 Business writers should create an overall tone that E does all of these 27 You can develop a confident message by A believing that your decision is based on sound logic 28 Which sentence displays a confident writing style B To take advantage of this special offer call our toll free number 29 Which guideline about confident writing is correct D avoid using presumptuous language such as I know you will agree 30 Which statement does not appear overconfident A After completing two training sessions you should see your productivity increase 31 Which of the following does not contain platitudes or other offensive expressions E your letter has been forwarded to the Tulsa Division One of the service specialists will call you by next Friday 32 Sincerity is not conveyed in which of the following statements C Your satisfaction is more important than profits therefore we will gladly exchange your new stereo system 33 A platitude is C a trite or obvious statement that implies a condescending attitude 34 An idea receives the most emphasis in a A simple sentence 35 Two related ideas of equal importance should be positioned in B a compound sentence 36 To subordinate an idea place it in C the dependent clause of a complex sentence 37 Assume you have five paragraphs in a letter Which paragraph receives the most emphasis A first 38 Which strategy best emphasizes an idea D using active voice 39 You can subordinate an idea by B using passive voice instead of active voice 40 Which statement does not contain sexist language D Sally enjoys being a homemaker 41 Which sentence contains nondiscriminatory language D Dr Lopez and his assistant Ms Martin attended the seminar 42 Identify the sentence that best reflects the you attitude B You should receive your order by Friday April 10 43 Which of the following is not a principle of the you attitude E Use the word you frequently when conveying negative information 44 Avoid focusing on the reader in which of the following instances E all of these 45 Which of the following sentences should be rewritten without the you attitude C You should have written a more in depth report Chapter 6 1 Which of the following messages is not considered routine C top management officials announcing a decision to close a factory 2 The direct organizational plan C lets the reader quickly see the purpose of the message 3 What is the advantage of the direct organizational approach B The major news receives the most attention 4 Which situation does not normally involve a routine request D a college student organization wants free soda to give away to students who stop by its fundraising booth 5 A request is not routine id you A Believe that the reader will object to granting your request 6 You should start a routine request B with the request which is the main idea 7 You should use the direct organizational plan when you E are conveying routine information in which the reader is interested 8 When sending a routine message you should not A telephone with details 9 Identify an example of a polite request A Would you please provide information about your new digital camera 10 A suggestion for communicating with someone from another culture is to D be very formal in all cases 11 Additional explanation or details about your initial request are necessary to A let the reader know exactly how the information will be used 12 When asking several specific questions in a direct request letter do not D use the indirect organizational plan 13 To increase the probability that your routine request will be granted B explain how the reader will benefit in doing what you ask 14 The final paragraph of a routine request should E do all of these 15 Which of the following is the most effective closing statement in a request letter B Because the convention budget needs to be finalized I would appreciate receiving the information about your convention facilities by September 3 16 Promptness in responding to a routine request is important because E of all of these reasons 17 What is

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FSU GEB 3213 - Chapter 5

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