EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Textile Industry group made up fiber yarn fabric and some findings producers converters that dye print and finish cloth and wholesale representatives who sell fabrics and findings to apparel producers Apparel Industry group made up of apparel manufacturers and contractors garment wet processors apparel wholesale representatives and direct importers who sell garments to retailers and apparel Wholesale Retail retailer buys from wholesaler and sells to customer Retailer has costs like rent employees taxes loss breakage advertising etc and needs to make a profit which is the reason they are in business Wholesale is a bulk sale by a manufacturer or distributor to for resale to a retailer Retail is any sale to an individual or company for end use Vertical integration situation that occurs when the same firm is responsible for multiples steps in the production or marketing of a product Horizontal integration absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level Contractor person or company hired by the manufacturer to do part or all the work in producing a garment also called outside shop Manufacturer the person or company ultimately responsible for all the steps in garments and distributing them to retailers Inside shops fewer communication problems tighter control over quality processes and procedures move control over timing making it easier to meet delivery dates saving time and transportation costs if garments are made domestically easier to ensure work is done in compliance with human rights and environmental regulations Outside shops no investment in plants and equipment s fewer employee training needs and fewer personnel problems and demands no need to buy and maintain factories and equipment as business grows no need to employ workers between seasons if business slows ability to perform specialty work as needed Branded Label created under label and sold at wholesale for distribution to retailers who also carry other brands Private labels Products developed for exclusive distribution by a retailer using their propriety brand Import to buy goods from another country Export to sell goods to another country Trade deficit situation that occurs when a country imports more goods than it exports Embargo prohibition of importing a product Tariff a tax on imported goods Quota an annual limit on the volume of a product that may be imported NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement Policy creating a single North American market for goods originating in the US Canada and Mexico WTO World Trade Organization International group gradually phasing out and taking the place of the GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade an international agreement promoting free trade TFPIA Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Federal law requires that all apparel sold in the United States have a label that identifications fiber content manufacturer and country of origin QUALITY built is from conception includes fabric findings country of origin fit and finishing Quality to Cost ratio how much you are willing to pay to have quality measured against what they will give up in order to have a lower price Prevention vs Detection Labeling RN stands for Registered Identification Number business can use this number on product labels in lieu of the company name Voluntary Labels permitted in order to provide consumers with information that is not related to the safety of the product Trademark a registered brand name or symbol Trade dress refers to the shape and features of the product itself that are Copyright exclusive right to reproduce a work of art not only distinctive but also identify the manufacturer of the product Counterfeit fakes or copies of currently popular brands accompanied by the illegal trademark Knockoff copy or near copy of a design under a different brand name Physical features of fabric Fiber Yarn Hand Fabric structure Color and applied design Manufactured regenerated cellulosic synthetics miscellaneous Natural Protein and cellulosic fiber Twist type S twist right Z Twist left Staple also called spun must be held together by some means to form yarn usually twisting Filament long continues strands of fibers made fro manufactured fibers or silk Prints the application of designs to the fabric using dyes or pigments screen printing roller printing heat transfer Dye Fiber dying yarn dying piece dying and garment dying from most expensive to least Pigments any substance used to impart color Understand the four point system of the American Society for Quality Control for grading fabric A professional organization for people interested in quality control Four point system is a fabric grading system developed to assign points to the defects based on its size and type In this grading system points will be assigned to the fabric based on number of defects and its lengths Fabric Performance durability comfort appearance performance of the end product is achieved with selecting the correct fabric and can include garment design intended use season of the year trends preferences cost limitations and Target market profile Fabric Defects common methods of detection of mistakes on the fabric Back fabric seam impression bowing broken color pattern color out color smears drop stitching and dye streak in printing Color Consistency the tendency for a color to look the same under widely different viewing conditions Luster the amount of light the fabric reflects Opacity amount of light that passes through a fabric Hand broad term for the tactile sensations resulting from touching moving or squeezing the fabric with the human hand Effects of Hand Compressibility soft to hard extensibility or ease of stretching Drapability flexibility pliable limp fluid to firm stiff crisp Resilience string alive to limp Density compact to loose open Thermal character cool to warm Surface contour texture rough coarse to smooth Surface friction texture harsh to slippery Dimensional Stability relates to ability to neither stretch nor shrink torque or skewness fabric distortion that results when crosswise yarns of a fabric slant from ne selvage to the other rather than lying at right angles to the selvage Comfort Physiological Psychological Appearance Retention Elongation amount a fabric stretches or extends in use Elasticity fabric s ability to return to its original size after being stretched Flexibility ability for a fabric to stretch also called
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