Lecture 9 Silicate Minerals Double chain Silicates Single chain silicates Sheet Silicates Framework silicates Silicate Minerals Known as the rock forming minerals Dominate the Earth s crust The anionic unit is the silica oxygen tetrahedron Double chain of Silica tetrahedral bonded together Single chain structures bonded with Fe and Mg 2 dimensional sheets of linked tetrahedral Characterized buy one direction of perfect cleavage All 4 oxygen s in the Silica tetrahedral are shared Silica tetrahedral link together by sharing oxygen s More shared oxygen higher Si O ratio Non Silicate Minerals Native Metals Solids composed of metal atoms Oxides Sulfides Halides Carbonates Metal cations bonded to oxygen anions Metal cation bonded to a sulfate anion Cation bonded to halogen anion Cation bonded to CO3 2 anion group Gems are cut and polished to be used in jewelry Minerals with special value Rarity Beauty Diamonds originate under extremely high pressure Rifting causes deep mantle rock to move upward Diamonds are found in kimberlite pipes Other Earth Materials Organic compounds Organic carbon containing compounds Gems Diamonds Glasses Melts Volatiles Solid substance in which atoms are not arranged in an orderly fashion Solid material heated to form liquids Magma rock melt below Earth s surface Lava rock melt at Earth s surface Materials easily transformed into gas at Earth surface What you should know The definition of a mineral How chemical bonds influence mineral properties Mineral characteristics Basic mineral groups
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