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Developmental Psychology PSYC355 Spring 2014 Study Guide for Final Exam Disclaimer This is NOT an exhaustive list of topics This guide is simply meant to assist you in starting to study for the exam The multiple choice and definition portion of the exam will only cover material since the last exam i e the lectures listed here However one of the short answer essay questions will be cumulative and will cover material from the entire course Lecture 17 Emotion Regulation and the Self Chapters 10 11 Define emotion Describe emotional development first signs of emotions self conscious emotions that Emotion something we all experience everyday a motivational force or action tendency subjective feelings and cognitions that elicit accompany changes in physiology heart rate hormones that are secreted and overt behavior ex walking through the woods and come across a snake how would you characterize o Mouth might go dry physiological o Subjective feeling feeling afraid o Think about the ways snake causes you harm behavioral response turn and run or freeze First clear sign of positive emotions SMILING meaning of smile changes with development smiles are reflexive early on then there is an emergence of social smile o Social smile smile that s directed toward people elicits delight affections encourages the parent to interact and engage with child o 7 months of age infants start to smile at familiar people and control the social smile something they are reserving for familiar people o 2 years children clown around and become delighted when they make other people laugh first clear sign of negative emotions GENERALIZED DISTRESS o 2 months expressions of anger and sadness are differentiated angry sad face contexts don t always match up reflects the emergence of these different types of negative emotions o 6 7 months weariness of unfamiliar people that intensifies over the next few o fear of strangers seeks safety and comfort with mother weariness increased cognitive abilities 8 month old isn t weary of strangers o separation anxiety 9 month old cries as soon as his mom leaves 8 month old girl was happy and didn t have separation anxiety emerges in development 9 months old vast individual differences o after the second year of life its no longer difficult differentiating anger and months sadness o temperament nature and nurture how is the mother behaving when shes leaving and the child is crying o Behaviorism strong reward is attention Self conscious emotions Self identity 2 years of age Emerge over time guilt and shame is driven partly by parental practices Rigged doll experiment experimenters had doll that s leg was going to fall off babies who displayed guilt an awful thing happened immediately told the experimenter that they broke the doll and the other babies who tried to hide it were shameful you re an awful child o Guilt associated with empathy for others remorse or regret about behavior desire to undo consequences of that behavior o Shame the focus is more on the self o Embarrassment o Pride What is the role of cultural on emotional development All cultures experience similar emotions what differs widely is the degree to which different emotions are expressed varies considerably o Genetic o Parents ideas about the usefulness of expressing Emotion in general Specific emotion expression of specific emotions are encouraged or discouraged based on parental practices o American mothers appear more likely than Japanese mothers to encourage children s emotional expressiveness in situations of conflict and stress observed in children s responses in hypothetical vignettes o group in Nepal values keeping calm and clear of emotion less strong emotional reactions even from young children in terms of negative emotions When and how do children identify emotions in others Recognition of different emotions in others Use other s emotions to guide behavior o Social referencing Label emotions Understand situations that evoke emotions Infants are developing expectations about social interactions in the first few months of life Both babies are initially surprised when normal interaction stops and are confused by moms weird behavior still face paradigm Arched back 5 month old does to tell you they don t like what s happening A lot of looking away averting gaze looking for explanation not comfortable with still face in front of them 4 7 months infants can distinguish certain emotional expressions and discriminate happiness surprise 8 12 months infants demonstrate social referencing use of parents facial gesture or vocal expression to deal with novel ambiguous poss threatening expressions o using visual cliff paradigm social referencing baby looks at drop and checks with mother even when the drop is shallow the baby wont go because of mothers facial expression if the mom smiles then the baby will go identify emotions in other people to guide own behavior o age 3 label narrow range of emotions ability to discriminate and label emotions helps children respond to both their and other ppls emotions o its sometimes okay to display emotions and sometimes its not okay o 5 year old said she would cry if she got the piece of coal but her aunt would be sad o 7 year old wouldn t say anything he would just say thanks for the gift and then when she isn t there he would want to return it o 11 year old would be nice from the bottom of his heart What is emotional intelligence How do you measure it What is it related to Emotional intelligence set of abilities that contributes to competent social functioning o Identify and understand ones own and others feelings o Regulate ones mood o Regulate the expression of emotion in social interactions display rules o Empathize with others emotion o Being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration o Control impulses and delay gratification All these abilities are a better predictor of competent social functioning more than standard iq emotional intelligence is predictive of this Predicts how well people do in life in terms of their social life outcomes that you value Delay of gratification tasks Mischel o Experimenter controlled tasks gender differences performance on these types of tasks 3 4 years are related to childrens social competence later in life o Child controlled tasks o A number of children put in a room w a giant marshmallow if you wait you can have more did they delay their gratification Can they wait o Related to SAT scores predicting time on this task at

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UMD PSYC 355 - Final Exam

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