Chapter 10 04 10 2013 Quiz answers from chapter 10 will be most important Aereo potential to change media landscape or accelerate the rate of change in the media world rate i e dynamic theory of history innovation happens at an ever faster Aereo brings tv shows to any other device through the internet Cheaper than cable Doesn t pay networks for the shows they produce Each user has their own antenna Live television over internet This Aereo company is plucking broadcast companies from airwaves accessible for you that you can get on your phone or your ipad but don t pay networks for it How are they not paying the networks What s the legal justification We own airwaves FCC is licensed to them but they can use that to make a profit They have their own individual antennas for every subscriber o All that s changed is location of antenna Could this replace cable TV cable stations Not entirely because networks like espn because they are purely What have Fox and Univision say they will do if Aereo comes into affect They will go into cable only no signal through the air Won t be in the airwaves anymore How many homes don t have television 5 million homes o watch on laptops or tablets phones Aereo will be primary way of accessing old networks could change TV aspect of the world How will it change the advertising aspect of TV McLuhan s global village Is this a good thing o Turbulent place Who lives in our village o What are the tensions Who what built our village o Communication technology o What are the tensions Huge disparities are going to exist If controlled by cool media not the best place to live What did McLuhan mean by global village Communication technology is going to advance to rapidly that we will be able to talk to each other anywhere and obtain news at any point in time o We will all know what s going on The affect of this will be you will be able to talk to someone in Kenya as easily as it is to talk to your next door neighbor o Communication technology drives that McLuhan said this isn t necessarily a good thing Global village is optimistic vision of future not accurate What was McLuhan s criticism of cool media Multi sensory and hard for critical thinking Who lives in our village If our global village had 100 people o 84 of wealth is controlled by 10 people o 61 are Asian 5 are from the U S or Canada o 47 don t always have enough to eat o 24 have no electricity o 21 speak Chinese dialect 9 speak English o 14 will be illiterate o 10 earn less than 2 a day o 7 own a computer 45 have a home TV Digital media unites global village Pew internet and American life project Who uses the internet and what do they use it for What are demographic divisions of the global village in access to technology Age Education Income Race ethnicity Gender Geography urban or rural The digital divide who has access to the best technology Who are the power players The information gap we have access to information that other people don t because of the technology we have Whose story isn t being told Is this a peaceful village McLuhan didn t think so 04 10 2013 04 10 2013
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