Class Notes 8 22 12 others 8 27 12 Perspective Sociology the study of society study of and the Latin socius being with 1 Every human and every human creation has perspective some level of subjectivity 2 We have to work to see our own perspective 3 Without conscious attention to our perspective it looks like COMMON SENSE or just the way things are 4 Ideas that stand part form our own perspective or from the mainstream perspective seem BIASED Allan Johnson o Born 1946 o Grew up around civil rights women s rights and Vietnam war o Worked as sociology professor for 30 years o Speaks about social inequality men s violence against women o KEY CONCEPTS TO READING The Forest The Trees and The One Thing individualism inequality racism sexism privilege relationship to individual society social system social positions paths of resistance Americans society s dominant lens is individualistic Individualist perspective separates us from each other and decreases our sense of community responsibilities Individualism conceals the influence of larger social forces creates BLIND SPOT Sociologists focus is on the INDIVIDUAL in society shows us the bigger picture PRIVILEGE and OPPRESSION 1 Privilege is invisible to those who do not have it 2 Privilege and oppression are directly related 3 Privilege and oppression are NOT opposites a person can be both privilege and oppressed i Example Oprah 4 Content with the status quo is a privilege in itself 5 Apathy is a privilege of a privilege 9 5 12 Barbara Ehrenreich Labor is underpaid Work is gendered and raced DEFINING ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Capitalism Private ownership Personal profits No government intervention Socialism Public ownership Collective goals Centralized decision making MOST NATION ARE MIXED ECONOMIES Democratic socialism a type of mixed economy Some private ownership Government distribution of some essential goods and services Free elections o Primary Ex s Sweden Denmark Norway Gr Britain France A Brief History of the Industrial Revolution Capitalism Sociology and Technology o Technology changed the home the work place family etc People left farms machines can do labor go to CITY o Capitalism and technology develop hand in hand o Workers suffered child labor Marx Weber Durkheim wrote about the effects of the Industrial Revolution o WEBER How did Capitalism Develop Pre Cap I work to eat STAGE 1 My work is a vocation calling Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Apple Ex devotees disciples higher purpose STAGE 2 Salvation Panic How do I know I m saved WEALTH John Calvin and Predestination o MARX Work and Capitalism Work Human Capitalism deskills jobs Competition among workers Johnson Logic of Capitalism cheaper and cheapter labor exploitation of resources people and nature Work in Capitalism Alienation Ramifications Cheaper products but loss of jobs income and humanity 9 10 12 Globalization a complex process by which the world and it international economy are becoming more and more intertwined Connects the world through business travel immigration education health issues and production of goods Global Stratification the hierarchical arrangement of nations on the basis of their control over basic resources Main Concepts in The Nanny Chain Globalization of mothering and love Global care chain Freud s theory of displacement Marx s concept of surplus value 3 Lenses Primordialist sunshine modernist critical modernist The way we use globalization is a blind spot 9 17 12 Culture The language beliefs values norms behaviors and material objects that characterize a group and are passed from one generation to the next Made up of nonmaterial culture and material culture Non material culture a groups way of thinking and doing includes gestures language values norms sanctions Gestures the way which people use their bodies to communicate Language a system of shared symbols the meanings of which are with each other collectively held FOP a man who is overly concerned with his appearance and clothes aka metrosexual Values the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable good or bad beautiful or ugly Norms expectations of right behavior o Folkways informal ex Elevator o Mores formal ex Stealing murder rape o Ones persons folkway is another persons mores Sanctions expressions of approval or disapproval o Positive Sanction ex Compliments o Negative Sanctions ex Tickets Moral Holiday s when mores are lifted Material Culture all that we make or use o Material objects that distinguish a group of people o Ex Clothing jewelry furniture Religion o Modern Functional Equivalents to Religion Music Justin Bieber TV Reality shows Sports Consumerism 1980 90 s rapid acceleration of products spending and accumulation 9 24 12 society Socialization the process in which individuals internalize the values beliefs and norms of a given culture and learn to function as member s of that Deviance The violation of norms or rules or expectation Agents of Socialization people or groups that affect our self concept attitude behaviors or other orientations Family Religion School Peer Group Mass Media Work o Formal you go to school to be taught skills o Informal Meeting diff people learning new view points and different ways of thinking o Social Class Function Children that go to a poor school get a very different education that kids who get a higher education People in higher places have connections Socialization Through Childhood Board Games o Candy Land ages 3 6 Learn to take turns Follow the rules Element of luck and life o Monopoly ages 8 and up Values money is important capitalism greed you cant have things unless you have money property learning individualism competition o The Game of Life ages 9 and up Values get a car have kids learning about gender marriage is valuable heterosexuality is important the job you get is valuable college education is important If you do badly in the game you end up in the poor house If you do well you end up in a large house o Risk 10 and up The Game of Global Domination Win the Game and You Win the World You learn power aggressiveness militarism You learn consumerism goal of life is to shop money is o Mall Madness ages 9 and up good credit is good o What they have in common The goal of every single game is to win Take turns luck You learn winning competition individualism and money is all important Common goals norms and values because they are reflecting our cultures norms and values Do not learn to help others Sex Gender and
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