PSYC 100 STUDY GUIDE FOR EXAM 1 General Theoretical Perspectives Fill in the blanks 1 Psychology is the study of thought a Affect feelings and emotions b c Cognition understanding and processing information behavior actions 2 5 Basic Goals of Psychology observe behaior 1 Describe Explain 2 the obvious try to guess future outcome 3 Predict Control 4 their actions and change Improve better or positive behavior 5 why did the subject do what he or she did Going beyond trying to use this information to help people to be aware of a Define the 4 Theories of Psychology b Sociobiological Theory we do the things we do because they are in our genes and will help us to survive and reproduce or will our genes to survive and be carried on c Sociocultural Theory we do the things we do based on cultural norms and things dubbed as acceptable for society d Learning Theory we do the things we do from previous experience e Social Cognitive Theory we do the things we do based on our with it positive or negative attitudes motives and beliefs 3 Describe the different sexual behaviors of males and females using sociobiological theory Men are aggressive and buff because it will help them attract a member of the opposite sex to pass on their genes and reproduce Women are caring and maternal to attract a male in order to reproduce and pass their genes on to their offspring 4 Describe war and prostitution using sociobiological theory hint it was in that one article 5 Describe stay at home mothers using the four theories 1 Sociobiological mothers stay at home in order to raise their children healthy and strong so that her kids will survive and pass on her genes 2 Sociocultural It is a popular trend in society to stay at home with your kids and it s a norm for women to be caretakers and stay in the house 3 Learning Working a job was a negative experience for women and a positive one was staying at home with her children so she learned to do things that made her happy and that was being a stay at home mom 4 Social cognitive A stay at home mom s goal is to have good well rounded kids and to achieve this she believes that being a stay at home mom is the best option 6 Describe why boys tend to more aggressive than little girls using the four theories 7 Describe why people domesticate animals as pets using the four theories 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 8 Describe Bandura s study and explain how it supports learning theory hint define learning theory first 9 How is Watson s Little Albert Experiment learning theory hint define learning theory and summarize the experiment The learning theory explains that a person looks at what he or she has learned to do based on positive and negative consequences In the Little Albert experiment Little Albert learned to associate a loud banging noise with a soft furry rat After the experiment was over he learned that whenever he saw or felt something soft or furry it would come with a negative consequence Method Definition The Good The Bad Research Methodology hint check out the appendix Naturalistic observation Structured Observation Controlled Experiment A researcher collects info without the participant s awareness Researchers set up a situation in a structured environment and then observe the participant s behavior Researchers create a controlled environment in which they carefully manipulate one Example your own if possible Researchers hiding in a bathroom to see if people wash their hands or not Researcher doesn t influence the participant s behavior more accurate Married couple given unsolvable puzzle and left to figure it out the researcher has more control of the situation and they don t influence Doesn t work for everything Time consuming expensive Needs to be interpreted The participant may be influenced by the artificial situation One group listens to classical one doesn t listen to anything or white noise see which one does better A way to directly test one variable any difference was caused by whatever is being studied not everything can be manipulated in an experiment Self Report Longitudinal Cross sectional Case Study Archival variable to test its effect on another Participants answer a survey or questions on their own Researchers collect data from the same participants over a long period of time Researchers gather participants of different ages to compare Detailed analysis of a group or person Examining data that has already been collected for other purposes Survey about the diner food from college students Inexpensive Efficient Can get data from a large sample of people A group of smokers over 10 year span Researchers can track changes even in specific details over time Compare what highschoolers eat breakfast through the grades Asking people about sexual fetishes Studying sunrise sunset times Attrition is not an issue Can study unusual rare difficult to find participants They don t have to spend time collecting data because it already exists Discrepancy between what people think do Questions may be misinterpreted Social desirability Studies take a long time Cohort effects the outside world having effects on the study Can t generalize to everyone Data may be missing or full or errors 10 Define correlation causation and explain how they are different Correlation describes things that may be related or a trend in something you may see in another Causation describes things that occur as a direct result of the other dependent on one another either occurring or not occurring Correlation does not equal causation 11 What is possible in a correlation What are the limitations of correlational relationships There can be a positive or negative correlation between given things or there can be no relationship at all 12 Define give an example and draw a diagram for each type of correlation a Positive Correlation As one thing increases so does the other b Negative Correlation c Spurious Correlation no need to draw d Curvilinear Relationship 13 You conduct an experiment to see whether drinking red bull before an exam increases people s scores You divide the class using random sampling and give one half red bull and the other half water then give them the psych exam a The independent variable is red bull b The dependent variable is scores on the exam c bonus What are some possible biases 14 You conduct an experiment to see if the color of a person s t shirt makes them more or less attractive to a person of the opposite sex You randomly assign a group of people to wear blue red black or white
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