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Summer 2013 Objective 1 Define and identify the anatomy of skeletal muscle and explain the sliding filament theory leading to muscle contraction o There are 660 muscles in the body and contain aprox 45 water weight Most important organ during exercise is the muscles o Muscle Muscle fasicle bundle of fiber muscle fiber cell or myfiber on this myofibril o It explains that the thick and thin filaments within the sarcomere slide past one another shortening the entire length of the sarcomere In order to slide past one another the myosin heads will interact with the actin filaments and using ATP bend to pull past the actin 1 Ca2 binds to actin 2 Binding of myosin head to actic 3 Power stroke 4 Binding of ATP 5 Hydrolisis of ATP 6 Ca2 back to SR Objective 2 Define and distinguish between the types of muscle fibers and explain the possibilities or lack there of of fiber type morphology o Type 1 very slow SS 0 20 lowest ATPase energy small fatiques fast aerobic lasts hours o Type 2a SS 21 40 o Type 2x SS 42 60 o Type 2b SS 61 80 highest ATPase energy Highest ATPase Very large Anaerobic less than 1 min Objective 3 State the different types of skeletal muscle contraction and the functions and characteristics of skeletal muscle o Characteristics excitability contractility Extensibility elasticity o Functions Movementm maintain posture stabalize joints generate heat o Types of muscle contractions The sliding filament after an action potential from a neuromuscular junction releasing ACH down a postsynapyic cell into a t tubule Eccentric actively lengthening the muscles Concentric actively shortening the muscles Isometric actively held at a fixed length holding a book out Objective 4 What are the different types of fascicle arrangements Also what determines a muscles power and ROM o Arrangements Circular fasicles arranged in rings eyes Convergent Broad origin and fasicles converge toward insertion pect major Parallel Sartorious run parallel long muscles Fusiform spindle shaped Pennate Attach obliquely to central tendon featherlike Unioenate extensor digitorum Bipennate rectus femorus Multipennate deltoids o ROM Parallel fascicle arrangement shortens the most Muscles with the greatest of fibers have the most power Bipennete rectus femorus and multipennate are usually the most powerful Objective 5 Describe the 3 classes of levers and apply the knowledge to uses of mechanical advantage and muscle insertions to determine lever classes in the body o First class lever designed for balance movements effort and load are on the ends and fulcrum is in the middle moving head up and down o Second class lever designed for force effort applied at one end on the other end and the load in the middle moving a wheelbarrel lifting on your towns but weight on your traps o Third class lever designed for speed and range of motion this is the most common a bicep curl o Overall the bone is the lever joint is the fulcrum effort is in the muscle Mechanical advantage is when the effort is further from the fulcrum than the load Mechanical disadvantage whe then the effort is closer to the fulcrum than the load Power Point 2 Spinal Cord and ANS Objective 1 Be able to draw and label the diagram of the entire CNS including labeling the direction impulses are sent for each system and division of the CNS Objective 2 Describe the basic anatomy of the spinal cord The meninges and all that goes with them Objective 3 Describe the different anatomy and physiology between Gray and White matter Objective 4 Determine the effects of the ANS on smooth and skeletal muscle Objective 5 Explain the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems including their innervations their major neurotransmitters and the neurotransmitters associations with neurons Power Point 3 Sleep Mental Functions Learning Memory Objective 1 Describe the relationship between brain waves and an EEG Objective 2 Describe the different types of brain waves where and when they occur what they can signal and reasons they may change Objective 3 Explain consciousness unconsciousness sleep and wake cycles and wakefulness Objective 4 Describe the stages of NREM and REM sleep along with their time course Objective 5 Describe the effects of aging on sleep Objective 6 Define learning and memory Objective 7 Distinguish between short term and long term memory and the transfer factor Objective 8 How does memory consolidate What are the categories of stored memory and what brain structures are involved with storing these categories Objective 9 Describe the types of amnesia or memory abnormalities Power Point 4 Autonomic Nervous System ANS Receptors Objective 1 Know the neurotransmitters of the ANS and determine from what neurons they are released Objective 2 Determine which neurotransmitters are released from Cholinergic fibers and which are released from Adrenergic Fibers Objective 3 Name the sub types of cholinergic and adrenergic fibers and the agonist neurotransmitters for each sub type Objective 4 Understand which fibers elicit stimulatory or inhibitory response and which ones may elicit both Objective 5 Use the chart on the slide to determine the action and receptor associated with different organs as they pertain to the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems Objective 6 Name the innervations of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems Power Point 5 Peripheral Nervous System Objective 1 Classify all the different receptors of the Peripheral Nervous System by type of stimulus body location or complexity Objective 2 Describe the difference between un encapsulated and encapsulated nerve endings Objective 3 Define the Somatosensory System and determine the 3 levels that transmit information within the system Objective 4 Describe in DETAIL what happens at all levels of the Somatosensory System to transmit information Power Point 6 Reflex Activity Objective 1 Describe the anatomy and physiology of the reflex arc Objective 2 What information must the CNS know to coordinate a muscle s activity or reflex Objective 3 Describe in DETAIL the Stretch Reflex associated the muscle spindle and the Golgi Tendon Reflex associated with the GTO Objective 4 Describe the Flexor and Crossed Extensor Reflex as well as all the Superficial Reflexes

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FSU PET 3323C - Study Guide

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