EXAM GUIDE 3 FINAL EXAM Define Psychology the study of emotion and behavior Define the following theories and use each to explain any given behavior Soiciobiological theory what you do is based on what you do when you are young Evolution of what you learn Sociocultural Theory what other people do influences you ex what you wear Learning Theory fear is learned Little Albert aggression is learned Bandura Social Cognitive Our thoughts and behaviors are shaped by out beliefs attitudes and motivation choosing to use a certain brand because you always have Research Methodology Cross Sectional Between different age groups Ex a study on k 10 grade Advantages give a wide variety of results Disadvantages different ages cannot give the same results Longitudinal study over a long period of time Ex study a group of fire fighters for 12 years Advantages over long period of time so you are able to get a lot of results Disadvantages because it is so long people can drop out Case Study study done on a specific group of people ex serial killers Advantages in depth study Disadvantages people can drop out Archival study something that has already been tested ex political speeches from all years before 2004 Advantages you do not have to conduct your own experiment disadvantages some information may be lost over the years Naturalistic studying people in their own natural behavior They do not know they are being studies Ex watching men in a bathroom to see if they wash their hands Advantages no bias Disadvantage not everything can be observed in their natural habitat Self Report survey or a test in which the person being studies gives their own answer Advantages they are fast and efficient Disadvantage people can lie not everyone knows what is being asked of them Structured study where one particular thing is being observed ex watching a couple complete a puzzle through a one way mirror Advantages you pick what you want to observe Disadvantage the people being studied know what the researcher wants Controlled Experiment one variable of the experiment is being manipulated ex people bobbing their head side to side versus up and down while listening to music Advantages one variable where you know the difference Disadvantage not everything can be manipulated Correlation vs Causation Correlation two things are related to one another Causation one thing cause another Positive Correlation direct relationship as one goes up the other goes up Ex the more sleep you get the better you will do on the test Negative Correlation as one thing goes up the other goes down ex the more you hold a baby the less they will cry Independent what is being manipulated Dependent what is being measured Probability sampling everyone has the same chance to be in the experiment Convenience sampling picking who is available at that point in time Ex using Dr Roberts psych class because they are available Random assignment assigning the samples that are equal in every way Random sampling a group that represents the population in every way Behavioral Psychology Define the term stimulus part of an experiment that is used to prove something Define classical conditioning basic form of learning 2 things occur at the same time Describe Pavlov s experiment trained his dog to salivate at the sound of the bell when food was coming explosives to define the acronyms in a classically conditioned association Use an example like Watson s study with Little Albert or the use of bees to detect NS natural stimulus has no prior effect on the animal or person the white furry rat had o no effect to baby Albert UCS what triggers a response the scream when seeing the rat UCR what is your reaction to what was triggered baby Albert began to cry CS after learning Albert now screams because of the NS o o o CR without even having the USC present whenever Albert sees something white and furry he will be begin to cry Define stimulus generalization generalize between two similar stimuli for example the sounds of horns no matter what car it is if a car is honking that refers to something not good Stimulus discrimination discriminate between 2 stimuli that are related to each other stop lights are red and green and you discriminate between the two different colors Counter conditioning giving a desirable characteristic to an aversive stimulus making Systematic desensitization slowly step by step habituating the aversive stimulus at each the UCS the NS level until the CR and the CS are erased Provide clear examples of how behavior can be altered by Positive reinforcement encouraging a desired outcome of a behavior by rewarding it if a person does well on their test they will receive candy Positive punishment encouraging a desired outcome of a behavior by not rewarding the behavior slapping a kid for saying a curse word or putting soap in their mouth calling unwanted attention to someone until they pay attention Negative reinforcement discouraging a trait until the undesired behavior stops nagging someone until they clean there room and when they get annoyed they will stop Negative punishment discouraging a behavior by removing a reward late for curfew car gets taken away Primary reinforces getting candy for doing good Secondary reinforces clapping for someone who just gave a good speech Primary Punisher slapping someone for cursing Define shaping and explain how you would use the concept to train a cat to use a toilet instead of a litter box the concept of shaping refers to teaching a desired behavior if you want to teach your cat you will place the liter box on top of the toilet than slowly remove liter from the box and when there is a little left put a whole in the litter box than eventually there wont be a box Provide a couple original examples of superstitious behaviors you ve seen in animals your friends or you and explain why we might have these superstitious behaviors according to Skinner behavior is accidently reinforces the pigeon and the box holding your breath karma bad luck We have theses because skinner believes coincidental actions cause people or animals to believe they have already changed what has happened Cognition Intelligence and Memory Discuss what is meant by the phrase motivation determines allocation and use a personal example of the cocktail effect as a clear example consciously always thinking of different things and doing things because they are on your conscious level however if your at a party and listening to a conversation subconsciously
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