Psychological tests Mental ability tests Achievment Aptitude Hypothetical constructs Norms standardization Reliability Validity Content validity Criterion validity Construct validity 4 types of learning Psychological tests Can be divided into two kinds mental ability test and personality test Personality how outgoing is a person are you a woman who loves too much Mental ability test Achievement test most of the tests we ve taken in school designed to measure what you have learned what you know measure achievement within a particular domain Aptitude test measures how well a person will perform within a particular domain o ex Test to measure how well are you likely to do in college o ex Tests college athletes perform in combines to show how well they are predicted to do in the nfl o ex Military tests for pilots Tests of hypothetical constructs some attribute that we hypothesize that people have measure psychological attributes that we propose people have o Ex IQ general intelligence is hypothesized to be a real o Ex Aggression ADHD different hypothetical attribute constructs Norms and Standardization Standardization Test is standardized when people who take it take it under the same circumstances o Ex SAT ACT o Test can be thought of as a sample of an individuals behavior Norm when a test is norm the score is measured relative to a group of scores its not how well you did in an objective stance rather how well you did compared to everyone else who took the test o Ex Grading on a curve Validity Content validity needs to be testing the material you were supposed to learn Criterion validity A test is said to have criterion related validity when the test has demonstrated its effectiveness in predicting criterion or indicators of a construct o Ex applicable to aptitude tests Construct validity is a test measuring what it is supposed to measure o Ex is a test measuring anxiety actually measuring anxiety Or is it affected by other factors such as depression o Does the IQ actually measure general intelligence The answer is no has low construct validity as a measure of general intelligence Learning a process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in an organisms behavior or capabilities 4 types of learning habituation involves a change in behavior that results merely from a repeated exposure to stimulus classical conditioning occurs when two stimuli become associated with one another ex Being in a car and severely burned one stimulus being in car triggers a response of intense fear that was previously triggered by the other stimulus being burnt operant conditioning organisms learn to associate their response with specific consequences ex asking for a charitable donation leads to a monetary gift observational learning observers imitate the behavior of a model ex child imitate what he sees on tv
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