Psych100 Exam 2 Study Guide Learning Classical Conditioning UCS UCR CR CS Unconditioned Stimulus UCS causes reflexive response without prior learning Unconditioned Response UCR reflexive behavior caused by UCS without prior learning Conditioned Response CR a response caused by a conditioned stimulus CS Conditioned Stimulus CS stimulus after paired with the UCS causes a conditioned response CR Pavlov s Dogs Pavlov was inspired by Darwin to begin scientific research Pavlov presented food to dogs and measured their salivation response Pavlov noticed that the dogs began to salivate before the food was even presented to them when they heard footsteps etc Pavlov then paired food with a neutral stimulus a bell or a tone to see if the tone would eventually cause the dogs to salivate Tone was presented just before the dogs received the food tone eventually caused salivation without the food UCS Food UCR Salivation CS Tone CR Salivation Examples Woman gets into a car accident and is traumatized and then becomes afraid of all cars UCS Getting hurt car accident UCR Fear CS All cars CR Fear John B Watson founder of behaviorism conducted famous Little Albert experiment Believed that experiments must be objective and we need to base conclusions off of things that we can see behavior Had affair with dat gurl Radical Behaviorism psychology can only be based on stimuli and response Little Albert 11 month year old infant Watson wants to use classical conditioning to test emotional responses applying classical conditioning to complex human behaviors wants to classically condition a fear response in littler Albert Albert has a positive emotion toward rats Albert would be shown the rat and then would hear a very loud noise that would cause fear Albert s fear response became generalized scared of all white fuzzy objects Nobody knows that happened to Little Albert Phobias intense fear or reaction to an object or experience person experiencing phobia becomes completely incapacitated Murnane s ex wife and snakes Classical conditioning may produce phobias Fetish associated with classical conditioning UCS Sex UCR Arousal pleasure CS Neutral object fetish CR Arousal pleasure Advertising heavy use of classical conditioning in advertisements pair UCS with product product becomes a conditioned stimulus for pleasure Basic Processes Acquisition period in which a response is learned Factors contributing novel unusual or very intense Timing Simultaneous UCS CS happen together Forward short delay pairing CS appears first and is still present when UCS appears Forward trace pairing tone sounds and then stops and afterward food is presented Stimulus Generalization broadly associate stimulus with unrelated stimuli Ex Little Albert afraid of all white fuzzy things Stimulus Discrimination demonstrated when a CR occurs to one stimulus but no others Spontaneous Recovery reappearance of a previously extinguished CR after a rest period without new learning trials 2nd Order Conditioning conditioned stimulus becomes so well learned it becomes unconditioned Ex Money Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning a type of learning in which behavior is influenced by the consequences that follow it Skinner a behaviorist used reinforcement to teach pigeons how to play ping pong pick up defective pills off of assembly line something organism would not typically do Skinner box used to study operant conditioning lever on wall of box when pushed food came out Schedules Ratio a certain percentage responses reinforced more responses more reinforcement Interval a certain amount of time between reinforcement Fixed reinforcement always occurs Varied the required number of responses or the time interval between them varies at random around and average Reinforcement strengthens a behavior When is it most effective Positive add something to increase behavior Negative remove something to increase behavior Primary satisfy biological needs Secondary conditioned acquire reinforcing qualities by association with primary reinforcers Punishment weakens a behavior What happens when it is excessive Positive add something to weaken a behavior Negative remove something to weaken a behavior Basic Processes Shaping a k a successive approximations involves reinforcing successive approximations toward a final response speeds up trial and error Chaining used to develop a sequence of responses by reinforcing each response with the opportunity to perform the next task Bell light lever food rat is happy Escape and Avoidance Escape learns a response to terminate and aversive stimulus Avoidance organism learns a response to avoid aversive stimulus Extinction the weakening and eventual disappearance of a response because it is no longer reinforced Stimulus Control behavior influenced by a discriminant stimulus Difference between classical and operant conditioning Classical INVOLUNTARY Operant VOLUNTARY Mower s two process theory Learning involves both classical and operant conditioning Observational Learning learning occurs by observing a model Memory Short Working Memory a memory store that temporarily holds limited amount of info Lasts between 15 and 20 seconds Capacity 7 2 units of information Long term Memory Chunking combining individual items into larger units of meaning Expertise Chess Chess master new chess players Put chess board together how it would look after a few moves experts could put it back together and new players could only put back about 7 Chunk size does NOT translate outside domain of expertise Maintenance rehearsal involves simple rote repetition Elaborative rehearsal involves focusing on the meaning of information or expanding on it in some way 1 Organize info 2 Apply to life 3 Relating it to other concepts you know Retrieval cues a stimulus whether internal or external that activates info stored in long term memory Encoding specificity states that memory is enhanced when conditions present during retrieval match those that were present during encoding Ex Remember info better when study in a quiet environment and take test in quiet environment Encoding Retrieval Accuracy Construction Memories are stored by combining bits and pieces of what happened and info that you supply Reconstruction happens when you remember the event have to retrieve the information o Misleading post event information the distortion of a memory by misleading post event information INVESTIGATED IN RELATION TO EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY Ex Priest identified as a robber Car Crash
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