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Scientific method Confounding Variables and Correlational Research Confounding Variable Definition Other ways of referring to these for example nuisance variable Ways of controlling them in an experiment Randomization Problems they present Internal validity Examples Correlational Research Correlational vs experimental Advantages and disadvantages When correlational research is necessary Naturalistic observation Correlation coefficient Going beyond the data 3rd variable correlation Correlation vs causation Positive and negative correlation Other related terminology from Chapter 2 Case study Survey research Sample o Representative o Random Scatterplots Counterbalancing Placebo effect Experimenter expectancy effects Reduplication External validity Study Guide Brain and behavior Neuron and its function Structure of a neuron dendrite soma axon hillock axon myelin sheath axon terminal terminal buttons synapse Resting potential Action potential Selectively permeability and the depolarization process All or nothing firing Refractory period reuptake Candice pert Graded response and excitatory inhibitory responses Neurotransmitters their functions and associated disorders Drug effects on synapse receptors and neurotransmitters Hemisphere lateralization Blood brain barrier l dopa Technology used to map brain function structure or both Phrenology corpus callosum and its role in brain function information processing Left Right brain personality theory o Three examples given in class that disprove this saccades ways to get information into one hemisphere first Naming pattern experiment that demonstrates it the effect of severing the corpus callosum on language processing What did it prove I e Specialization naming pattern in left and right handed people Nuclei how do we study them Sensation and Perception Psychophysics What is psychophysics Historic importance of perception research History of psychophysics research Wundt s lab in Germany Absolute thresholds Difference thresholds just noticeable differences Psychophysical scaling Problems with measuring thresholds Factors influencing thresholds Sensation vs perception What is sensation What is perception Top down vs bottom up processing Role of expectations in perception Gestalt laws of perceptual organization Perceptual set Perceptual constancies What is a perceptual schema Vision List the function of the following parts of the eye Define Visual Acuity Cornea Iris Retina optic disk Pupil Lens List the differences between rods and cones Explain the transduction process How are rods and cones distributed in the retina Explain the Trichromatic Theory Explain Opponent Process Theory What are the three opponent color pairs How does current research combine the previous two theories Explain myopia and hyperopia Explain dark adaptation

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UMD PSYC 100 - Confounding Variables

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