Correlational Research 10 10 2011 When experimental research can t be done we can do correlational research Conclusions by correlational research isn t as strong Correlations two variables associated with each other changes of one variable likely results in changes of other Positive correlation as one variable changes other changes in same as A increases B increases Negative correlation changes in one variable causes opposite change in other variable as job satisfaction increases turnover decreases Naturalistic Possible third variable behaves differently in your presence try not to be watch and observe subjects in natural environment noticeable Observes may have different opinions Case Study detailed thorough examinations of particular case o Often used in clinical psych Problematic sample of 1 statistically useless Surveys Psychological Tests structured questionnaire designed to gather information about people that can t be gathered in other ways o E g Can t observe sexual activity naturalistically o Difficult to do properly time consuming expensive o Surveys asking about customer service online Psych tests are designed to measure various characteristics i e IQ and SATs Good correlational shows two variables are associated Correlational Coefficient strength of correlation range between 1 and 1 which shows the o 1 is perfect positive correlation o 1 is perfect negative correlation o 0 is not relation at all o strength of correlation works in both ways from point A to B and o I e Correlational evidence is used to state young black males are more likely to go to jail and engage in criminal activity Third variable problem an extra existing variable that s alters results o I e Ice cream causes less clothes the extra variable is the hotter vice versa temperature We can control other variables to see if its affecting results People use bad evidence to make a causal claim we must know if A is causing B and behavior Biopsychology way the brain functions Nucleus cluster of neurons working together they effect human mind Psychology is moving in this direction Technology is revolutionizing what we think of the mind Brain is like hardware Technology helps structure and function of the brain We can examine the human brain while it s functioning CAT Computerized Axial Tomography o Gets picture of intact brain o Brain can be sliced MRI Magnetic Resonance Imagery o Get detailed picture of structure of the body o Shows wiring of brain o Helps identify sources of problems lesions and tumors o Also where and how significant the damage is EEG it picks up and measures electrical activity in the brain o Where skull cap and electrodes pick up activity o Location and nature of electoral signal activity PET Positive Emission Tomography o Brain burns glucose for fuel o Inject person with radioactive glucose then goes into blood stream then broken down by brain o Where does activity take place The part of the brain will light up fMRI Functional MRI information as well o really precise picture of brain in the body and gets functional Discussion Methods of Research 10 10 2011 Surveys Case Study Naturalistic Observation gather data that s unobtainable in lab study a group over entended time select scenario watching subjects in natural environment they don t know you re observing them The Researcher o Manipulates 1 or more variables o Measures if this manipulation influences other variables o Attempts to control extraneous factors that might influence the outcome of the experiment Biopsychology Neurons o Receive information from other neurons o Integrates information receives input from other neurons o Transmits information takes the integrated information and passes it along Structure of neuron o Cell body stroma is where the integration occurs Axons o Output flows through axon Myelin sheath speeds transmission of this information Dendrites o Branch like parts of neuron through which the information flows Terminal buttons o Ends of axon secrete neurotransmitters used to pass information to next neuron Synapse gap between neurotransmitter Sensory neurons o Receive information from environmental body o Travel up spinal cord then to the brain Motor neurons o Gather processed information from spinal cord and brain o Sends information out to the body o Advanced xray o Tissue density differences o Allows for 3D reconstruction analogy o Uses magnetic properties of organic tissue o Better special resolution than CAT Functions o EEG electrical activity o PET radioactive glucose or other chemicals o Good temporal resolution poor special resolution o Person wears skull cap with electrodes CAT MRI EEG PET fMRI o Radioactive isotope H2015 tagged to glucose or water o Tracer injected into blood stream then picked up by scanner o If cells are more active they will consume more radioactive glucose o magnetic spins over time o structural and functional No Class 10 10 2011 Class was cancelled on this day
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