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Most common delusions are persecutory can hear persecutory hallucinations go kill yourself Director s commentary common hallucination of comments narrating behavior he s walking to the left Abnormal Psychology 4 30 14 Saturday May 10 2014 8 38 PM Schizophrenia Delusions Positive symptoms positive actions addition of new maladaptive behaviors Persecutory erroneous belief that someone is targeting persecuting surveilling me Referential Unrelated things refer to me Somatic erroneous beliefs about my body ex Bugs are inside of me Religious ex God is talking to me Grandiose Delusions that I am a super being ex Napolean Jesus etc Hallucinations having an untrue sensory experience Can occur in any modality most common are auditory and visual sound Can coincide with delusions combination feeds in on each other Disorganized speech Word salad random nonsequitors Disorganized behavior Negative symptoms Harder to diagnose somone who only exhibits negative symptoms Affective blunting reduction in emotional expression flat emotive fa ade Restricted speech Lack of goal directed behavior Catatonia Associated features of schizophrenia Inappropriate affect for environmental context Dysphoric mood low mood Disturbed sleep patterns Difficulty concentrating High levels of drugs alcohol cigarettes substance abuse risk seeking behavior maybe including sexual activity risks Onset of Schizophrenia Almost never see development in prepubescent children Males late teens mid 20s Women mid 20s early 30s Some believe it is related to changes of puberty Usually a gradual onset In retrospect you can see some childhood abnormalities although it is not predictive Positive symptoms remit more easily Negative symptoms are more chronic harder to alleviate Those with positive symptoms self recognize disorder more easily Complete remission is rare usually waxing waning of symptoms Best treatment psychotropic medications Strong genetic component seems to be hereditary Costly to treat Chronic and lifelong Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Social skills deficits Language deficits Restricted repetitive interests and activities Associated Symptoms Attention deficiency Impulsivity Hyperactivity Emotional volatility lability Learning deficits Usually diagnosed relatively early during early development Diagnosis began in 30s 40s Assumed to be a neurological abnormality 60 70 of autistic people have some mental impairment Most people are said to develop a Theory of Mind ability to empathize sympathize understand external behavior Theorized that Autism is a result of damage to one s Theory of mind Behavioral therapies based on operant conditioning principles Anti depressant ADHD meds etc probably used to help Associated Symptoms like anxiety Antisocial Disorder Term used to replace psychopathy sociopathy People with a total disregard for the rights of others Behavior Manipulative Impulsive Don t think of consequences Lie Steal Assault Rape Arrogant Psychology Page 1 Arrogant Irritable Hostile Confrontational High risk behavior Lack empathy Appears chronic Seems to be untreatable Must be evidence of behavior before age 15 to be considered DSM disorder Probably neurological reasons for capacitive differences Traditional talk therapy is completely ineffective Psychotropic drugs not effective Severity of behavior decreased in age 40s 50s most sever in 18 30 years old Mostly males diagnosed 2 1 male to female diagnosis Most Antisocial people are low in IQ have history of learning disorder impulsive Not cool cunning clever serial killers Hannibal Lecter Dexter Borderline Personality Disorder Unstable Areas of instability Mood is highly instable Relationships hard time maintaining close relationships Self image View of self is unstable Symptoms high levels of Emotionality Sensitivity Impulsivity earing gambling spending sex substance abuse Suicidal ideation gestures Self injury Moody become intensely angry when angered Women receive 75 of Borderline diagnosis Often diagnosed have abandonment issues Perceived abandonment past abandonment Is often a history of childhood abuse physical sexual Looks very similar to bipolar disorder diagnostically Dialectical behavior therapy was designed for Borderline Aims to prevent self harm and suicidal tendencies Symptoms decrease in severity in 40s 50s Expensive disorder to treat Psychology Page 2

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