1 Review the ADA Section 504 and IDEA and think about how these laws and their provisions are similar and different IDEA is free and appropriate public education nondiscriminatory and multidisciplinary assessment parental safeguards individualized education program least restrictive environment students have to be included in the classroom to the most extent appropriate zero reject Section 504 part of the Rehabilitation act of 1973 civil rights laws which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities prevents individuals from being discriminated against programs receiving federal funds ADA civil rights legislation the provides a mandate to end discrimination against people with disabilities in private sector employment all public services transportation and communications IDEA 0 21 only covers educational cycle automatically receive money to learn after 21 you become an American with a disability but not entitled to receive the money you are only eligible to receive the money and not everyone can receive the money 2 Review Gleaning 1 Disabled person in person first form is a person with a disability Section 504 was apart of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act ADA stands for Americans with Disabilities acted passed in 1990 3 Review legislation and litigation that impacts special education Brown v Board established the right to education for all students 1954 PARC established the right to a free and public education for students with intellectual disabilities FAPE 1971 MILLS v Board the right to a free public education for all students with disabilities school district required to provide services regardless of the cost 1972 EAHCA now known as IDEA made free and appropriate public education available for all students with disabilities between the ages of 6 12 1975 4 Review Early Childhood services IFSP service plan written to ensure infants and toddlers receive free and appropriate services First years of life are critical to the development of children Improve both developmental social and educational gains Reduce the future costs of special education rehabilitation and health care Reduce feelings of isolation stress frustration that families experience Helps alleviate and reduce behaviors by using positive strategies and interventions Helps children with disabilities grow up to become productive independent individuals o Types of early childhood services Assistive technology Supports from families Audiology Family training Medical services Nursing services nutrition services Occupational therapy Physical therapy Psychological services Social welfare services Special instruction Speech language pathology Vision services 5 Review transition services Transition services are a coordinated set of activities to help people move from school to employment to further in their life Person centered training Adult services agencies provide services and supports to assist people with Transition services start at 16 Provide training and assistance in the areas of employment college career disabilities independent living 6 Brainstorm ways that disability impacts family members Anger disappointment depression guilt confusion Waiting for the diagnosis experience shock coming to realization acknowledgement Mother dyadic very close ties Father internalize their feelings 7 Review RTI what it is Response to Intervention is the practice of identifying the needs of struggling students and providing them focused instruction they need through varying levels of assistance ranging from in the classroom to special education programs CLASSROOM Frequent progress measurements and increasingly intensive research based instructional intervention for children who continue to have difficulty Tier 1 just a little bit more support additional help Tier 2 everyday one on one attention more and more individualized Tier 3 cognitive profiles why is the help not working referral to special education Determines is a students is responding to classroom instruction and progressing as expected a students who is struggling receives additional support Screening appropriated instruction additional instruction if needed 8 Read through the case studies at the end of each chapter it might be a good idea to reflect on these questions hint hint Amy Rowley a student with a sever heading impairment but an excellent ability to lip read IEP created in first grade which she be put in a regular classroom use a hearing aid and receive a tutor speech therapist her parents disagreed because she didn t get an in class interpreter 9 Communication disorders voice Speech the representation of language stuttering fluency delayed articulation Language the message contained in the speech Receptive language difficulty in getting what is said Expressive language difficulty in formulating and using language Aphasia impairment of language comprehension due to injury 10 Types of disabilities Physical Health disorders Trauma Cerebral Palsy a group of chronic conditions that affect muscle coordination and body movement paralysis Spina Bifida abnormal opening in spinal column frequently causes some form of Muscular Dystrophy group of inherited and progressive conditions characterized by loss of ability to use arms and to walk effectively TBI an acquired injury to the brain caused by external force impacting information processing social behaviors reason and thinking Models of Disabilities Medical identifies disability from an in depth clinical perspective by trained health care providers understanding it and learning to control its course Social identifies systemic barriers negative attitudes and exclusion by society that mean society is the main contributing factor controversial model Educational being in the classroom Psychological looking at their behaviors mental processes ADA Provisions Employment Related to no discrimination in job application procedures hiring advancement and discharge of employee workers compensation job training and other terms and conditions Public entities and transportation It prohibits disability discrimination by all public entities at the local and state level Public accommodation No individual may be discriminated against on the basis of disability with regards to the full and equal employment of the good services facilities or accommodations of any place of public accommodations by any person who owns leases or operates a public accommodation recreation transportation education and dining Telecommunications
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