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READING REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR FINAL EXAM NRC 261 Spring 2012 Chap 10 According to a recent national survey what percent of Americans approve of legal hunting How did this number vary with human population density 73 of americans approve of legal hunting the numbers tended to approve inversely to the density of local human populations What is the actual percent of Americans that hunt Canadians 6 2 in America and 5 1 in Canada What are the four precursors to the animal rights movement from Muth and Jamison 2000 1 urban view of nature that is disconnected from the reality of wild nature 2 popularized interpretations of science on television or in published media 3 anthropomorphism to nonhuman animals 4 an egalitarian notion that assigns the same legal and ethical rights to animals as it does to humans What are four ways to minimize conflicts between hunters and anti hunters from Kellert 1978 A place greater educational emphasis on the ecologistic attitude as a way of establishing a dialogue between hunters and ant hunters B Encourage greater governmental recognition of different attitudes toward animals as reflecting multiple uses and satisfactions derived from wildlife C Diversify wildlife funding sources to include contributions from ant hunters and other potential nonconsumptive users of wildlife resources D Increase attention and financial allocation for nongame research and recreational programs Are harvest levels usually set for optimum yield or are they typically set more conservatively Optimum yield What is adaptive harvest management Applies the flow of new data to continually update two or more competing hypotheses with the goal of strengthening the acceptance and influence of those that best reflect the actual outcome Policy options are tested repeatedly with each option thereafter given more or less weight based on comparisons of predicted and actual results How are trends in woodcock populations monitored 1 Counting males singing on the bredding grounds 2 Determining an age ratio which compares juveniles birds hatched in the current calendar year to the number of adults birds one year and older 3 Bag checks the daily success of hunters in taking woodcock 4 What is the best management strategy for to achieve maximum turkey population growth and maximum hunting recreation Male only spring hunts Why were buck laws instigated and what is the problem that eventually has resulted from them To restore deer populations Limit of one antlered deer per hunter per year Problems excessive pressure on the food supply resulting in malnutrition starvation and reduced reproduction Deer numbers and harvests stabilized or declined Why have numbers of women hunters increased recently Women are joining their male companions in outdoor recreation more women are learning to shoot competently as a means of self protection and hunting is a natural extension of such proficiency with weapons the manufactores of sporting arms started to produce rifles shotguns and archery equipment designed for women What is the Millennium Accord A document to create the philosophical environment for consensus and action on hunting related programs strategies and initiatives to publicize and renew hunters contributions and commitments to wildlife conservation to provide focus of hunters efforts in wildlife conservation hunter education safety recruitment ethics and cooperative initiative with others and to provide a basis for reporting progress toward reaching these goals by agencies and organizations associated with hunting What is controversial about trapping The traps cause animals undue suffering that taking an animal s life for the sake of fashion is immoral and that trapping kills or maims many non target species Chap 16 What are 2 reasons why some parks overpopulated with wildlife Animals frequently overpopulate parks where hunting and natural predators have been eliminated The natural dynamics of ecological succession also foil attempts for preserving natural communities in parks and the movement of animals in and out of parks illustrate the ecosystems in parks interact with highly modified environments outside What are six ways in which wildlife managers attempt to reduce growth rates of rapidly expanding animal populations Predators hunting introduction of disease immunocontraception removing animals natural regulation According to Miller 1982 why is pure preservation a flawed concept how can the concept of nature reserves in developing countries be better justified It s flawed because human influences already may have disrupted natural systems National parks in developing countries should contribute tangible resources to local economies What were the reasons that the predator prey ratio changed in Kruger National Park in S Africa Decline involoved interactions among weather food and cover and the respective sizes of the predator prey populations What was the largest single addition to the National Wildlife Refuge System and when More than 21 8 million ha of land in Alaska became part of the federal system In which state is most of the refuge land and what percentage of total refuge land does it comprise Alaska 80 What are five major functions of refuges and what is an example of each Endangered species land preserved to protect endangered species bison in the national bison range Rest stops for migratory birds migratory bird act provides land food and cover for birds Protection of unique or highly productive natural systems special designations wilderness research natural areas wetlands of international importance Refuge protects broad spectrum of the nation s biological diversity Wildlife dependent recreation non consumptive and consumptive activities Research important research done diked managements What is an organic act A legislative charter that describes the agency s mission on the land it administers What are the general provisions of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 It defined the mission of the system to administer land and water for conservation management restoration defined compatible wildlife depended recreation as legitimate and appropriate general public use maintain the biological intergrity and diversity and environmental health authority of refuge manager to determine compatible public uses and each refuge to develop a comprehensive conservation plan in 15 years and update it every 15 years Chap 17 The peregrine falcon is an example of how urban

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