Review for Bio Lab 1 Compound microscope look at pond water 2 Whole organism of a flower dissecting light microscope 3 Essay Different parts of microscope increase maginifcation move objectives to focus on something fine adjustment knob or coarse adjustment knob 4 when you bleed in your menstrual cycle you shed your endometrium 5 Basic unit of life cell 6 Essay Write the 3 tennets of cell theory Look at quiz 7 Hereditary material is called DNA 8 DNA It is held in the nucleus 9 Prokaryotic cell is single cell and no membrane bound organisms 10 Eukaryotic cell is multicellular and has a membrane bound organelle mitochondria 11 The nucleus is the control center of the cell and controls DNA 12 Chromosomes are composed of DNA 13 Cell membrane controls movement in and out of the cell 14 Ribosomes are the protein synthesis 15 Lysosomes garbage disposal digetive enzymes 16 Mitochondira is the powerhouse 17 ATP is made in midochondira 18 Centriole is not present in plant cells 19 Plant has cell wall 20 Cell membrane animal 21 Plastid plant 22 Large vacuole plant 23 Plastid aka chloroplast where is the sight of photosynthesis 24 Results in germ sex cells meisos 25 Results in Somatic skin hair cell mitosis 26 Gametes meisosis 27 4 unique cells meosis 28 identical cells is mitosis and it is 2 cells 29 cancer is uncontrollable growth and spread of abnormal cells loss of contact inhibition immortal 30 Essay 3 stages of cancer initiation when normal cells turns into cancer promotion it grows they divide without control metastisis spreading to other locations of the body IPM acronym 4th stage is death 31 in promotion you can have tumors form 32 malignant harmful invades and destroys neighboring tissue and benign not harmful 33 causes of cancer and warning signals 34 state a problem gather facts hypothesis actual experiment record conclusion publish data theory 35 A theory can not be disproven 36 DNA are cut up by restriction enzymes 37 DNA is negative 38 When electropharesis starts they separate according to size They are porous The small goes down to the bottom first 39 Watson and crick discovered the double helix 40 Genetics guy henry Mendel 41 RNA has single strand RNA has U instead of T 42 RNA ribose sugar 4 base pairs functions in protein synthesis 43 DNA 4 base pairs AGCT 44 Thread like structures are chromosomes 45 Dexyo ribose sugar and functions in directing cell processes 46 DNA is organized into chromosomes 47 Functional unit of heredity the gene 48 An allele are homologous chromosomes and stand for the same trait Example allele for freckles and non freckles 49 If you have 2 identical alleles homozygous 50 2 different alleles heterozygote in a heterozygote the dominant trait shows 51 Recessive homozygous recessive 52 Physical characteristic phenotype 53 Complete dominance is a type of expression In the heterozygous state the dominant trait will be shown In incomplete dominance for heterozygous will have a new expression For example red and white make pink 54 Sex link red green colorblindness 55 Blood typing is co dominant because you can have AB and they are both equally expressed 56 Antibodies if you have A blood you have anti B blood 57 Gametogenesis spermatogensis and oogenesis 58 Spermatogenesis takes place in the testes 59 Oogenesis takes place in the ovaries 60 Essay sperm pathway Sevan up Semifiourus tubules epidydmous vas deferens accessory organs nothing urethra penis 3 types of accessory organs prostates seminal vesicles calpers gland 61 Pathway of the egg starts in the ovaries burts out of follicle falopean tube uterus vagina 62 Main site of fertilization fallopian tubes 63 Main site of implantation uterus 64 Corpus ludium produces progesterone 65 Ovaries produce estrogen 66 FSH follicle stimulating hormone matures egg LH lutenizing hormine causes the follicle to burst and release the egg 67 Endrometrium is sloshed off during the menstrual cycle 68 HCG is detected in a pregnancy test 69 Vulnerable period is the first trimester 70 Identical twins are from the same egg monozygote 71 Fraternal twins are like brother and sister dizygote 72 Abstinence is the 100 garunity for no pregnancy 73 Spermicide condoms hormonal pills diaphagm 74 Hormonal the pill the patch the deproprovera shot nuva ring Plan B 75 Aids are viral herpes are viral chlamidia are bacterial 76 Know aids in detail ESSAY QUESTION HOLLA WAHTS IS STAND FOR WHAT IS IT CAUSED BY 77 Vanerial warts is a disease caused by Human Papaloma Virus 78 Hepatitius B viral 79 Syphalis is bacterial 80 Scabies and crabs is bacterial 81 Insects and crustaceans are arthropods 82 Digestive system might be an essay pathway of food mouth esophagus by parastolis stomach small large Anus 83 Major fight of food absorbtion is small intestine 84 Digestion of the food is the stomach 85 Pepcin breaks down protein 86 Bile breaks down fat 87 Large intestine produces vitamin b and k 88 Anarexia nurvosa distorted self image they need to be under weight and don t eat enough 89 Bulimia binge and purge 90 Binge eating just eat don t purge 91 Central nervous system brain and spinal cord 92 Relay station the thalamus 93 Coronates body movement cerrabellum 94 draw a neuron Essay 95 Neurotransmitters are chemicals that are released in the synapse 96 Marijuana hallucinogen 97 Morphine narcotic 98 Heroine narcotic 99 LSD Hallucinogen 100 101 102 103 104 105 Stimulant crack cocaine exctacy caffine Depressant alcohol xanax roofies pain killers Arteries carry blood away from heart vein blood to heart cappliaries gas exchange Pathway of blood Right veinacava right atrium right ventricle pulmonary artery lungs pulemnary vein left atrium left ventricle aerota 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Heart is divided by the septum Disastolic is relaxation systolic is contraction Sphygnomonmeter Normal is 120 80 High blood pressure is hypertension If you have acute chest pain heart attack A deposit of fat and calcium on the walls of the artery arthosclorosis A blockage in your brain stroke Essay list animal qualifications endoskeleton ecoskeleton etc Essay Label 2 out of 5 kingdoms and know about them Animalia and platae 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Examples of each phylum example flat wom Phlateomente Essay list 2 phylum We are in cordata Plants are autotrophic animals are heterotrophic Plants are eukaryotic because they are multicellular and have membrane bound organelles with an arrow ESSAY Know the equation for
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