Chapter 1 Credibility Reputation for being trustworthy to perform work with excellence care about co workers and live ethically Trust is used interchangeably with credibility Credibility emerges from abilities achievements interpersonal skills and traits 3 components of credibility 1 Competence Knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks approach problems and get the job done Develop competence through study observation practice and real world experience How you communicate directly impacts the perceptions others have on your competence 2 Traits associated with competence o Focus on Action Implies that you seize business opportunities o Emphasis on Results Implies that you actually achieve the goal you have set 2 Caring Understanding the interest of others cultivating a sense of communication and accountability How do you cultivate a sense of community By using we rather than I Thinking in a sense of the group rather than individually How do you create a sense of accountability By considering those affected by your business activities in most situations the stakeholders 3 Character Refers to the reputation for staying true to commitments made to stakeholders and upholding a strong sense of ethical and moral values Important in business especially for long term relationships Elements of character within the workplace o Business Ethics Ethics Rules of conduct that guide individuals or group behavior At minimum adhering to the law Dominant Business Ethic Transparency Transparency Sharing all relevant information with shareholders Create transparency by being accessible admitting mistakes setting a good example and following up with answers o Corporate Personal Values Stated and lived values of a company Code of Conduct written code of ethics Required by SOX act of 2002 o Open and honest communication Why is honesty so important 1 Price of dishonesty on financial reporting can be devastating 2 Dishonesty is the primary reason for low employee morale 3 Dishonesty is a reason for dismissal o Fairness The FAIR Test F How factual is your communication A How accessible transparent are your motives reasoning and information I How does your communication impact stakeholders R How respectful is your communication Post Era Trust Trust in business executives is at an all time low due to scandals in the business world Enron World Com Trust is especially low between employees and their business leaders Why establish credibility Allows communication to be easier Less resistance from others Lower likelihood of miscommunication More efficient work Chapter 2 Interpersonal Communication Process Process of sending receiving verbal and nonverbal messages between 2 people Meaning Thoughts and feelings people intend to communicate Goal of interpersonal communication creating a sense of shared meaning Encoding Process of converting meaning into messages composed of words and non verbal signs Decoding Process of interpreting messages from others into meaning Barriers to shared meaning Noise Causes of distortion or interruption of messages 4 types of noise 1 Physical noise External noise that makes it difficult to hear external characteristics Ex Loud sounds buzzing 2 Psychological noise Internal interference due to attitude ideas and emotions experienced o Generally occurs due to current conversation Ex Stress preconceived notions reactions due to comments made 3 Semantic noise Internal interference when two people apply different meanings to the same words o Ex Acceptable profit margins to one person might mean 10 and to another it means 20 4 Physiological noise Refers to internal disruption due to physiological factors o Ex Hearing problems illness stuttering Filter of lifetime experiences All messages go through this filter Lifetime experiences are an accumulation of knowledge expectations and attitudes due to prior personal experiences Emotional Intelligence Involves understanding emotions managing emotions empathizing and handling relationships Those with a high emotional intelligence level are more successful in the workplace Also referred to as EQ Self Awareness understanding your emotions as they occur and how they affect you The foundation for EI High self awareness understanding your triggers and how to handle them Low self awareness not understanding your emotions and deflecting blame Self Management The ability to use awareness to stay flexible and direct behavior in a positive manner High self management controls impulses discusses frustrations in a well thought out manner o Typically optimists view failures as learning experiences Low self management unable to control impulses frequently complains or gossips o Typically pessimists tend to dwell on the past Emotional Hijacking Situation in which emotions control our behavior reacting without thinking Strategies for decreasing anger going on walks writing down feelings and breathing deeply Venting temporarily satisfying but rarely makes the anger go away permanently Least effective strategies for decreasing anger Empathy Ability to pick up on someone else s emotions Also involves the desire to help others accomplish their work Relationship Management The ability to use your awareness of emotions to manage interactions successfully Communication Channel The medium through which a message is transmitted Ex Emails phone conversations face to face dialogue Strategically selecting a communication channel involves three basic considerations 1 Richness Level of intimacy desired how quickly the person can give feedback o Face to face communication has the richest level of intimacy Number of cues available o Social cues taking turns when speaking o Verbal cues tone of voice o Non verbal cues gestures and facial expressions 2 Control Degree to which communication is planned and recorded o Planning Implies communication can be tightly drafted edited and revised before delivery is made o Permanence The extent to which a message can be stored received and distributed 3 Constraints o Coordination Effort and timing needed to allow all relevant people to participate in communication o Resources Financial space time and other investments necessary to employee a channel of communication Synchronous Communication Communication occurs in real time Individual gives immediate responses and engages in turn taking Asynchronous Communication Does not occur in real time Individual can give responses at their leisure Forms of communication Private
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