Chapter 1 Intoduction 04 09 2014 I Sustainable Environment allows humans to survive without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs II Plant Biology Specialties i Plant cell biology ii Plant Anatomy cells and tissues iii Plant morphology structure of plant parts iv Plant physiology how plants function processes v Plant Genetics their environment vi Plant ecology interrelationships among plants with each other and vii Plant viii systematics evolutionary relationships Plant taxonomy description naming and classification ix Paleobotany biology and evolution III Domain Bacteria i Kingdom Bacteria IV Domain Archaea i Kingdom Archaea V Domain Eukarya i Kingdom Protista i Kingdom Plantae ii Kingdom Anamalia iii Kingdom Fungi Chapter 2 Chemical composition of cells 04 09 2014 I Types of Bonds i Ionic Bond force of attraction between 2 oppositely charged ions ii Covalent Bond forms when 2 atoms share a pair of electrons to complete their energy levels iii Hydrogen bond a weak attraction between a slightly positive H atom in one molecule and a slightly negative atom in another molecule iv Nonpolar Covalent electrons shared equally v Polar Covalent electrons shared unequally II Inorganic Compounds composed of elements other than carbon i Ex Water acids bases III Organic compounds contain carbon and usually hydrogen i Ex Carbohydrates lipids proteins IV Cohesion the tendency of like molecules to adhere V Adhesion the tendency of unlike molecules to adhere VI Acid compound that dissociates in a soluation to form H and negatively charged ions i Strong dissociate completely ii Weak dissociate slightly positively charged ions VII Base dissociates in water to produce negatively charged OH ions and Chapter 3 Plant cells 04 09 2014 I Prokaryotes lack nuclei II Eukaryotes cell structure is larger and has more complex structures III Plastid group of membrane bounded organelles occurring in photosynthetic eukaryotic cells IV Chromoplast type of plastid contains pigments that provide yellow V Thylakoid membraneous stacks of thin flat circular plates Stack of orange and red colors thylakoids granum VI Vacuole membrane bounded sac filled with a liquid that contains a variety of materials in addition to water VII Cell wall outside of plasma membrane Supports and protects the cell while providing routes for water and dissolved materials to pass into and out of the cells Composed of cellulose Composed of primary cell wall middle lamella and secondary cell wall VIII Fluid mosaic model the current model for the structure of plasma membrane and other cell membranes in which protein molecules float in a fluid phospholipid bilayer IX Osmosis movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane from a solution with higher concentration of water to lower concentration X Facilitated diffusion materias diffuse from higher lower concentrations through special passageways in the membrane XI Active transport assisted movement of a substance from a lower higher concentration move against the gradient XII Symbiosis Mutualism both gaining Parasitic one gains one loses Commensalism one gain other not affected XIII Shorter wavelength higher energy longer wavelength lower energy XIV Light Dependent Cycles require light photons Take in water release oxygen conditions high heat water loss XV Light Independent Cycles uses carbon dioxide XVI C4 plants sugar cane crab grass corn High light high weather XVII CAM plant pineapple cactus Shut stomata during the day to prevent XVIII Aerobic Respiration 1 Glycolysis 2 Formation of acetyl CoA 3 Citric Acid Cycle 4 Electron transport and chemiosis Chapter 4 Metabolism in Cells 04 09 2014 I Anabolic reactions chemical reactions where energy is stored in molecules molecules II Catabolic Reactions chemical reactions where energy is released from III Calvin Cycle 1 CO2 uptake 2 Carbon Reduction 3 RuBP regeneration Inputs CO2 NADPH ATP Outputs carbohydrate molecules IV ATP Synthase an enzyme complex that synthesizes ATP from ADP using the enrgy of a proton gradient Located in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and in the inner mitochondrial membrane V Aerobic Respiration 1 Glycolysis 2 formation of CoA 3 Citric Acid Cycle 4 Electron transport chemiosmosis VI Fermentation an anaerobic pathway Degrades glucose and other organic materials without oxygen Very inefficient Chapter 5 Plant tissue and multicellular plant body 04 09 2014 VII Hebacious plants do not develop persistent woody parts aboveground VIII Woody plants trees and shrubs have woody parts IX Ground Tissue System all of the tissues of the plant body other than the vascular and dermal tissues Composed of parenchyma collenchyma sclerenchyma X Vascular tissue system tissue system that conducts materials throughout the plant body Composed of xylem and phloem XI Dermal tissue system the tissue system that provides an outer covering XII Plant growth Primary growth length secondary growth girth apical for the plant body meristem Increases crop yield xylem parenchyma XIII Periderm is made of cork cells cork cambium cork parenchyma XIV Vetiver coarse tropical grass Reduces rainfall runoff and soil loss XV Four types of Xylem cells Tracheids vessel elements xylem fibers Chapter 6 roots 04 09 2014 I Taproot System consists of one dominant main root with similar lateral roots branching from it Obtain water deep underground II Fibrous root system consists of several adventitious roots of approximately equal size that arise from the base of the stem Obrain III Function of Roots anchor plant in soil absorb water and dissolved IV Root Cap a covering of cells over the root tip that protects the delicate meristematic tissue directly behind it Makes sure the root grows rainwater minerals storage downward V Root Hair an extension of an epidermal cell of a root that increases the absorptive capacity of the root VI Endodermis the inner most layer of the cortex of the root that prevents water and dissolved materials from entering the xylem by passing between cells VII Casparian strip a band of waterproof material around the radial and transverse cells of the endodermis Ensures that water and minerals enter the xylem only by passing through the endodermal cells VIII Symplast continuum of living cytoplasm connected with IX Apoplast continuum consisting of the interconnected porous plant cell walls along which water moves freely X Pericycle a layer of cells just inside the endodermis of the root Gives rise XI Prop roots
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