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A lot of people use the term gender when they really mean sex 03 10 2013 Class Notes Gender sex We re not born with gender Elements that construct gender History and biology Social structure Socialization Culture History and biology sets limits and possibilities pg 41 diagram Constructions of gender change overtime 19th century boys and girls wore dresses Hegemonic masculinity dominant definition of masculinity Dominance of one group over another o Subordinate group dependent on powerful group To be a real man is to not act like a woman in any way Gender essentialism Sex determines gender roles Brain chemistry all men share o Chemistry all women share Reproductive strategies nailed into us Programmed drive that creates instincts Gender essentialism is ahistorical doesn t take change over time into consideration Socialization and gender What does gender socialization do o Self fulfilling prophecies Socialization norms customs and practices People become skilled in the way of their culture Wolf boy o Uncivilized Contemporary example of feral unsocialized children o Pick things up through osmosis o Learn how they fit in the world Highly socialized psych attention to detail Can fake being a psychic because able to pick up on cues and pay Gender socialization the way society parts male female internalize norms and act on them in everyday situation Occurs the moment you are brought into the world Parents describe their 6th and 8th grade sons as having more natural talent in science and math Self fulfilling prophecy o Prophecy creates the reality o Enforces notions Institutional discrimination discrimination created by little institutional barriers that add up Ruth vs Robert study Subtle bias that add up to lasting forms of discrimination Glass ceiling invisible differences offer litter opportunity for advancement A gender ideology feminity domesticity women are naturally domestic Gender roles fall away when they no longer make sense Holts Social structure o Middle class o Employment o Opportunities for Nancy Gender strategy o Upstairs downstairs myth o Passive resistance o Dog care o With holding sex Gender ideologies o Mrs Egalitarian o Mr Tranisitonal emotion work Unhappy married couple particularly Nancy Evan is lazy constraint Series of compromises that allow her to retain identity as feminine egalitarian o Still unequal o Nancy upstairs o Evan downstairs work Evan didn t learn how to do laundry o Sealed fate Delacortes Social structure o Working class o Traditional upbringing o She needs to work Gender strategies o Calculated incompetence o Myth of frank does little around house Gender ideologies o Mrs Traditional o Mr traditional Carmen still works live their lives o Agency o Frank does more housework No correspondence between gender ideology and how they actually Sexuality realm of sexual desire Construction born with predispositions biological triggers or tendencies The social construction of sexuality The stonewall riot 1969 o George Chauncey Gay New York Raided Gay bars names published in papers Police action had real world effects gay men isolated before raid watershed moment The myth of invisibility hide from sexuality very visible The myth of isolation hide from community out in community The myth of the closet 1960 s wearing up or down hair coming out had different meaning o formally presented at Drag Ball Contemporary gay visibility no longer hiding from dominant culture 20 s and 30 s gays part of another social group straight culture had fascinations with gay culture o attended drag balls YMCA became big from 1915 1930 s Place where people would meet Gay meeting place Meet for sex Closet invented in1930 s State built closet and forced people to hide in it More tolerant prewar years Stonewall as cultural touchstone Gay activist alliance founded after riot Gay liberation front Mattachine society 1950 disabled in 1987 heteronormality heterosexuality is the norm gay character is the joke contemporary gay visibility shows with gay characters 1980 s backlash 20 s Chauncey trade fairies Humphreys trade ambisexual gay closet queens Women never confront husbands Queer eye and drag ball Gender essentials disagree male dominances A social construction Review 03 10 2013 What does the term the Second shift refer to Coming home after a day of paid work to doing domestic work o Usually women work the second shifts What does Hochschild mean by the term stalled revolution There has been a revolution in paid work o Stalled because women are still expected to do domestic work What are hochschild s three gender ideologies and what do they mean Traditional man does paid work woman stays at home domestic work bread winner model Transitional man still does paid work still doesn t do domestic work woman does paid work and domestic work Egalitarian men and women are equal in terms of paid work and domestic work What is gender essentialism and why sociologists argue against it Sex determines gender roles Programmed drive that creates instincts Sociologists argue against it because it doesn t account for change over time What is socialization their culture Norms customs practices people become skilled in the way of Give two examples of gender socialization 1 Blue and pink and colors that are specifically for boys and girls 2 Boys are expected to play with G I Joe girls expected to play with Barbies What are hegemonic gender norms Dominance of one group over another o Subordinate group is dependent on powerful group o Common sense How might hegemonic norms be dangerous for men and women The dominant group becomes the norm not allowing the subordinate group to become a vital part of society What is the different between sex and gender Sex are biological differences male female Gender is the social and cultural differences o Something you do o Norms practices o Masculine feminine What do bronies have to do with gender They have challenged gender norms o Redefining what is masculine 03 10 2013

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