Treatment 5 5 14 Monday May 05 2014 4 58 PM Treatment 1 Insight oriented therapies characterized by verbal interactions between patient and therapist Intended to enhance self knowledge a promote healthy behavioral change Psychodynamic psychoanalytic therapy inspired by Freudian theories dream interpretation free association initially was long term Client centered therapy person centered therapy inspired by humanism works of Carl Rogers positive growth Cognitive therapy problems are caused by the way people think about the world the things they tell themselves Antecedents event that happens we form a Belief about what happens beliefs cause Consequences emotions problems Uncovering maladaptive irrational beliefs More modern approach most therapists incorporate some of these practices Short term Social anxiety receives this therapy often discovery that common beliefs that 1 They will be judged by others 2 It will be bad Cognitive triad of depression negative beliefs about 1 Themselves 2 Their experiences 3 The future Strength of insight oriented therapy they will enhance self knowledge and enable client to face their problems Potential problems distress related to self confrontation not targeted requires a degree of trust Low IQ people don t do well intellectual disabilities children Albert Ellis cognitive therapist had client with social anxiety and took him to lunch and got him to announce his order and told him everyone was judging him and challenged his idea that it would be bad 2 Behavior therapies Based on principles of learning conditioning Applied Behavioral Analysis used mostly to treat autism Trying to change behavior through rewards Ignore or punish maladaptive behaviors Tends to be targeted here and now By changing maladaptive behaviors in depressed anxious people it will treat the emotional problems behind the behaviors Criticisms too superficial Doesn t address underlying cause only want to change maladaptive behavior Cognitive Behavior Therapy CBT successful widely adopted 1 and 2 are talk therapies 28 11 Therapy works best when it is freely chosen by the client open minded nonjudgmental person to talk about problems with Quality of relationship between therapist and client improves effectiveness 3 Bio medical therapies Medication psychotropic medication 1 Anti Depressants treat depression SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors block serotonin receptors so it builds up in the something Ex Celexa lexapro Paxil Zoloft Prozac Much fewer side effects take longer to work Psychology Page 1 Much fewer side effects take longer to work SNRI serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors Ex Effexor cymbalta Norepinephrine dopamine RI ex Wellbutrin 2 Anti anxiety anxiolytics SSRIs Benzodiazipines Xanax klonopin Valium Ativan Tend to work quickly Central nervous system depressant MUCH more addicting than SSRIs try to limit prescriptions 3 Anti psychotics Neuroleptics positive symptoms of schizophrenia First generation late 40s 50s Haldol Thorazine Change from insulin shock therapies lobotomies awful inhumane treatments Zombie ing effect not able to fxn Caused tardive dyskinesia involuntary spasms of the mouth and tongue Second generation Clozapine Zyprexa Risperdal Seroquel Much better treatment Major side effect significant weight gain so compliance with client was difficult Third generation 2000s Abilify Managing symptoms vs side effects better than previous 4 Mood stabilizers some late antipsychotics Lithium for bipolar disorder Potentially dangerous side effects liver kidney damage Anticonvulsants designed to treat epilepsy Ex Depokote Lamictal Tegretol Found to be effective in disregulated moods Most common diagnostician for psychotropic meds is a GP gen Practitioner not a psych ECT electro convulsive shock therapy Seizure then unconsciousness Used for most severe depression Major side effect temporary or permanent memory loss No long term motor issues Completely not understood how why it could work but it sometimes does Psychology Page 2
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