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IQ Tests 3 31 14 Alfred Binet researched child development foremost expert in educational psychology Was consulted by the French school system to come up with screen for special needs students Decided to devise objective test Published first IQ test in 1905 Atheoretical Questions about memory reasoning comprehension knowledge higher order thinking skills Test worked by taking groups of school age kids and got avg level of performance by age groups Score was reported as a mental age above avg age was good below avg age might reflect students who would struggle in school Test worked well First practical workable objective measure of intelligence One of the first instances of psychology having good practical applications Eventually formula was created Mental age Chronological age x 100 intelligence quotient IQ This is how 100 becomes the average for every age group Binet didn t subscribe to intelligence theories but Spearman cited it as a good test of g Lewis Terman American Stanford Psychologist Terman translates test into English changes some comprehension knowledge questions to enable them to apply to American students Created the Stanford Binet quickly popularized and became standard for all US IQ tests Problems with Binet s test 1 Could only be utilized on school age children 2 Single user format individually administered 1917 US engages in WWI Must decide placement for army who will be soldiers and who can specialize Arthur Otis develops Army Alpha test borrowed liberally from Binet but for adults and can be administered in a group format Worked well IF test taker spoke English and could read well Developed the Army Beta test totally non verbal for immigrants and illiterate Today ASVAP still in place in army only institution allowed to discriminate on the basis of IQ David Wechsler New York Psychologist Drafted into army as psychologist was a scorer of army alpha beta tests Developed his own series of IQ tests devised a new more statistically reliable and sophisticated way of scoring Eliminated mental age and replaced w deviation scores First of Wechsler series developed in 1939 by 1960s Wechsler series surpasses Binet in popularity and continue to today to be the most popular IQ test Stanford Binet 5th edition uses deviation scores no longer scores on mental age IQ tests are used for 1 Predictions Academic performance and placement People with higher IQs tend to perform better academically 2 Diagnoses Intellectually disabled learning disabilities giftedness forensic evaluations assessing brain damage Psychology Page 1 Wechsler 3 One type of question is showing a picture and asking what is missing Second section is common knowledge Psychology Page 2

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